Monday, September 13, 2010

Series "ninety-nine" Inspired by Hate

Hello Everyone, it's been quite a while; I have been very busy designing and creating an amazing series of artwork that was going to debut last month called the "Something Bigger Series" as well as finishing the last three (3) pieces of the "INCIRCLES Series" but while I was making everything final on all of the new artwork, there were complications...

See, sometimes you just have to do what you feel is right in your heart and that is why I have decided to hold off on the 36+ pieces I have planned in the "Something Bigger Series" and the last few in the "INCIRCLES Series" to bring you something from left field.

Somethings are important to do right away; when the time is right and this is coming from someone with horrible while I have the opportunity to even do this artwork, I am going to.  Some things are just more important to me than throwing some lines on a page just to say that I did it...I hope you understand.

On September 19, 2010 you will see the first in a series of Digital Paintings that I am calling "ninety-nine" - these pieces have no special manipulation, they are all free hand with no color adjustments...nope, everything is done by me pushing color around the canvas only in this case, it's done with a digital pen. These pieces have no symbolism, they are abstract, and they are very self explanatory...they are also inspired by something very special...they are inspired by 'HATE'. You will figure out kind of quickly why I named the Series "ninety-nine" but you won't understand where the 'HATE' comes from but let me assure you that it is only need to look for it.

I don't know when I will release the other pieces I originally had for you but eventually you will but my guess, it won't be until after Christmas because I still intend to put out those Holiday designs that I know you all love.

So, I hope you swing back around on the 19th of September to see what I've got for you and I hope you enjoy them but until that day comes, enjoy this Promotional Piece that depicts the official release logo.

Thank you and goodnight.

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