Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"ninety-nine" (2 more for today)

Sometimes it's extremely exhausting when I put so much into something that isn't profitable, such as a bunch of artwork that I end up doing for the heck of it but in reality, somethings get bigger as it goes along.  See, I never thought that this series of artwork would have an enormous impact to begin with; I have always thought that it wouldn't be appreciated like it needed to be until the end of it was near.  To me, it always seemed like it would end up being a series you really had to see one after the other...I mean, there's nothing hidden in these to see...it's all right there without interpretation but you still have to look to understand; you can't just take a glance at it and know.

Anyway, I'll have more tomorrow...probably 3 or so...so swing back tomorrow or check out Facebook and Twitter to find out exactly when the stuff gets released.  (we're up to 10 so far for anyone counting along...not bad for 3 days)

-Thank you for checking it out...and for all of you people who want to be that one 'especially you' person I sometimes add in there; sorry...there's just not that much room for everyone to sit on the porch.

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