Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#5 of 5 for 9/29)

I might never be perfect at anything but that doesn't mean I should ever stop trying to elevate myself to do something bigger and better.  I do know that people out there enjoy seeing what I come up with next although sometimes I find it hard to understand why.  I try as hard as I can to give more of myself in everything I do and I hope everyone see it.  I know I can do better and I will always try to challenge myself to do something more amazing than anyone has ever seen.  I know I have great things left in me and I have the desire to do it; I have so many ideas and so many worthwhile stories I still need to tell.  I am reminded on a daily basis how important what I can do is to some people.  I just wish that for once that there was just a little more to everything than there is.  What I mean is that I really do think I can do so much more but it gets more difficult to keep going at the rate I am going by myself; without a little help.  I know I'll keep doing the best I can but you can't blame me for knowing what could make everything even more amazing than it ever was.  One day, I hope to look back on all of the things I am doing now and feel embarrassed to show any of it to people because of how great the work I do will be.  One day...

Thank you all, I love you all...

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