Sunday, September 19, 2010

Introducing: "ninety-nine" (the first three)

Hello and thank you all for checking this out; I hope you enjoy these first 3 pieces from my brand new Series, "ninety-nine".  Before you get to looking at the artwork, I have just a couple of points to clue you in on...and then, have fun - there are 96 more to go.

1)  I will not answer any questions about this series; read the blog, most answers are there - if you still feel like asking me a question and you insist on it, expect me to lie to you.

2) These are abstract, digital straight lines were harmed in the making of these pieces.

3) NONE of these have titles; there is no title or number associated with any of them no matter what you think.

4) Like I said; 99 total pieces and no surprise pieces or extra special releases...99 is quite enough.

5) If it makes you feel better to look at them thinking they are just a bunch of colorful designs, then you should probably do that but if you want to look for something my guest.

6) Painting is a pain in the ass - with a real brush or a digital one...but there were no special effects used when making these.

7) I will be releasing these everyday or almost everyday, between 3 and 5 at a time...check back often or become a Facebook Fan to be up to date.

8) After this series, I am going right into Christmas stuff - there might be time for a break so I can give you a couple spooky Halloween things but I won't know for a few weeks...I am not even halfway done finishing this series.

-Thanx all, the remaining 2 parts in the 5 part "Down from ninety-nine" will be released in the next few days.

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