Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Down from "ninety-nine" (part 1 of 5)

Sometimes I'd sit here and explain about how I got the ideas for certain pieces of artwork and sometimes I'd even explain how I decided to go about creating the pieces...but "ninety-nine" is special; I couldn't pick it apart if I tried.  I think I sat down with this group of pieces and decided that I wouldn't think about them at all.  I think I decided right at the very beginning (which was early last week) that like a painter, I would just pick up a brush and let whatever I was feeling spill all over the canvas this time.  It was a lot less messy being digital but it's amazing that the pen feels so much like a brush and the tips are as close to exactly what I would have used that I tried to do one with a brush for real and they came out the exactly the same.  I wanted to show everyone what I was feeling without making it completely obvious to the world but I wanted all of them to be unique.  I was even a bit worried about how many of these I could actually do; I mean, would I just run out before I hit #99? or why should I even do 99 in the first place?  A week ago it was an idea, a day later I wasn't sure and the day after that when I wrote down all the reasons to do the artwork - I knew right away that 99 pieces were perfect to begin with.  I thought, are there even 99 reasons?  then when I started writing them down and within a few minutes I got to #64 (I remember stopping there and looking at my list thinking, wow...it's only been a few minutes) and I knew I had more in me.  The artwork itself was much easier...I would just start pushing that color around.  Now I am not nearly done with a third of them and 5 days from now I should be done with about 50...and for once, I am not worried about how they look or if they need something more or if they aren't just quite right...because they will be - because these 99 paintings (more so than the majority of my work up till now) comes straight from my heart and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Thank you for reading; Here is Promo#2 - check back tomorrow for part 2 of 5 and another promo piece -thanx for reading!

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