Thursday, September 23, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#2-5 of 5 for 9/23/2010)

Here are 4 more from "ninety-nine" and for all those interested in why I said these were inspired by 'Hate' - well we will just have to wait and see how things turn out.

Thank you all; 2 more tomorrow...and I just want to say one thing...

I have always tried to make sure that I sheltered the world from any of my problems...I would always think that I was doing everyone a favor by not burdening them with my own problems but I was very wrong.  I know this because I love being able to share my thoughts with me, it always make things a little better and when people let me in on their problems, it makes me feel useful. There are times in our life when it seems like the easiest thing to do is to just keep everything neat and tidy but it's important to remember exactly what I forgot a long time ago...that no matter how alone you might think you are (or I think I am), there's always someone out there that cares no matter what happens.  Life is worth way more (even the bad things) when you have something to share.

-Here you go;

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