Friday, September 17, 2010

Sept. 17, 2010

Today I am not releasing any “ninety-nine” posts; I have decided that instead we should all think about something else; something more important than what egotistical thing I am going to say about some lines I threw on some paper that I have hyped up to the point you might start thinking it will change your life.  Today is different.  Today is more important.  Today will mean something different to everyone; it might mean ordinary or aggravating.  It might mean new or old; it might mean loss or gain and it might even have been a reason to laugh or cry.  Whatever today might mean to you, it’s important – no one should ever loose sight of that.  If we don’t once in a while reflect on what’s going on around us, it never seems to have the necessary impact; we loose it’s significance and it just passes us by.

Today is my Dad’s Birthday; there’s no telling how many of those anyone will have but sooner or later you are faced with a reality that you might not have many more of those to be around for.  My Dad taught me everything I know about everything that’s not drawing pictures and if you think about it, that’s a whole lot of stuff.  I know he is the reason that I am who I am; I got his kind heart, his need to help as well as his flaws like not being able to say no and his sense of loyalty to every situation be it a friendship or a way of thinking.  I have his face, his hair, his sight and his crazy sense of humor for the stupid things life throws at you.  I have taken every opportunity I could to learn everything I could from him and I still do everyday.  One day I hope I could be half the man, the Dad, the husband and friend he has been throughout his life.  I am lucky I still have him close to me and hopefully he’ll be around for many, many more September 17ths.  Happy Birthday Dad-I love you.

Today might mean different things for different people but you should always know that whatever any day might bring, there is love and loss; happiness and tears; strength hidden in fear and someone out there that understands the difference; someone that will be there for you if you need it.  You can’t always guess what will happen tomorrow but you can say what you really need to say right now to the people you care about…that’s what counts.

So, in honor of today, I am going to give you a little poem that happens to be one of my favorites.

Thank you.

PS: just sayin' is all.

With Only Minutes…

You can count on one hand how many moments in life you remember that have touched you in a way that affected you.  What I don’t understand is why it doesn’t happen more often.  When it happens, isn’t it the greatest thing in the world?  Wouldn’t you want to find that all of the time?  Wouldn’t you search for it at every chance that was given you?  Wouldn’t you like to impact someone just as much?  I suppose never understanding is what I am destined to do.  Love is exactly that; you find it and then you lose it but you knew it was there before so you search it out in all of the places you know it’s not but hope it might be.  Listen, if real love was ever there once, it will always be there but too many times, too many people mistaken everything that’s not for what they want it to be so they end up looking for forever in a place it never existed to begin with.  Trust me, I have searched long and hard for something I knew I wouldn’t find anywhere but I am different, I went to make sure I couldn’t find it so I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt where it wasn’t.  If I had never found that out, I figured I might never know what everything really was at it’s basic point; what forever was to begin with.

Here in this life we have only minutes, we count them all of the time and time, that’s something that is only vaguely relative to the people who have very little.  Time is a reference that begins to make less sense the more we ponder how little we have.  We live for those minutes and moments not for the ones we wish we had.  We are because we want to be, not because we need to be and more importantly, we don’t love or express love because we have to-it’s because someone in our lives gave it to us and it was so great that we want it all the time.  We believe in it when there is little to believe in.  We hope it really exists because we felt just enough of it once to know it has to.  Love while you can, live every minute and love all those moments…you can’t buy time, only the illusion that you have more.  Just remember that in the end, all of those moments flood your soul and you take them with you wherever you go; wouldn’t you want them all to be incredible…after all, what more is there?

“The End”

Time stops here.

There are infinite ways to know
Without ever knowing…
There are immeasurable values
Among the few we can gauge.
There are even improbable circumstances
That become more possible every day.

But before you live
You must have realized death-
To have found something worth notice
You would have had to grip some loss
And to have known the answer
You must have once gotten it wrong.

Time is time; they say it waits for no man;
It moves with a swiftness
Only few would understand.

But at the end of it all there is one thing that remains,
A vast nothingness of empty; a void within space.

And yet…within this void, there is this place…
A place where more than not nothing exists;
Yes, here there happens to be something locked from within.

Sealed with a key and protected by time
The End is the answer and the question is the rhyme.
Surrounded by the silence of a void so vast
It’s easy to understand why so few have passed.

It’s much more than just a simple absence in kind
It’s the smallest piece of the smallest part
Of the tiniest object one could imagine in life.

Albeit tiny and unobtrusive; mostly unknown to most
It’s the single most important hiding place
For every single unspoken word.

In the end it’s only the dream not dreamt;
The hand not held; the words not said.
It’s the wish unwished, the mountain not climbed;
It’s the life not lived all because of time.

The minutes tick by as the clock moves on
While the words once fresh become stale…then gone.
One second, one minute, one day, one week…
One month, one year before you say what you think;
With every tick that tocks; with every passing ray of light
It becomes more difficult to remember just why.
“One time, one life, one moment I lost…”
You say to yourself as you curse that thought.
And when it feels too late and you’re at the end
Of your minute, your hour with only seconds to spend,
Might you think that a word; a silly little word
Might it buy you more time, Might it be worth the chance;
The chance to stop time in spite of it’s hand?

In The End it is true, there IS nothing left
But remember that within nothing
There is a small place and a chance…

It is within that nothingness that’s so hard to see.
Too hard to fathom and impossible to believe;
That forever those words still wait and they keep
They wait for a day when too late is all you need.

They’ve always been there and they have always been true
And those words will always ready for that moment deep within you.

Know that simply because it’s never been done,
And just because it’s too late to say
And ultimately it won’t happen now
Means even less every day.

It’s hard to say that it’s never too late
Because The End to anything comes with no date.
Things end abruptly and without cause;
They end with out recourse, notice or awe.
You will only know the end by how much it hurts
And how much is left of your unused words.

In the end my words will be used;
I’ve said what I have because I needed to.
I’ve written and drawn as I feel and think;
I’ve yelled and I’ve fought for what I believe.
And still I will have words left to say
And words forgotten as time swept away

But the most important words I could ever have had
Were the words I’ve had for love;
A love for an hour or an eternity
Whether I’ve said it aloud or in my head
For a friend, to a mate or because of true love;
All those words were perfect in The End.

This “Somewhere this Side of Forever” I leave
Is the place where dreams happen if you believe.
It’s where I leave you to imagine what’s next
In one second, one moment, one lifetime…the end.

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