Friday, July 02, 2010

"Health" (#10 in the Wild Hearts Collection)

The only thing I can say is that it IS healthy to love; it's NEVER bad for you to love anything.  Sure, sometimes there are those times when your heart hurts because you (believe) you loved too much but let me say this to make things perfectly can never love too much.  All of those Wild Hearts out there know this all too well.  You can't know what love really is unless you have experienced a little pain from it...otherwise, how could you ever value it the way it was intended?

Health is important to a Wild Heart and to truly be healthy, you need to flex that heart once in a while, even if you know there might end up being some pain involved...a little pain once in a while is a small price to pay to find real love.  Hell, if someone told me I could find the real stuff but I'd end going through excruciating pain, I'd sign up for that in a minute.

So anyway, here is "Health" from the 'Wild Hearts Collection' in HD.

I hope you all enjoy it very much.

I love you and miss you all very much (especially you...yes crazy chick).


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