Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Down from "ninety-nine" (part 2 of 5)

Hate is an interesting word; we use it in everyday conversation as liberally as we use the word love which, in most cases begin to loose it’s meaning.  In fact, hate is really a very loaded word that depends on it’s context and the way it’s said.  It can be the driving force at work or the reason to excel at something; it can be just as inspirational as the word love when invoked properly; it can also mean the same thing…they are for the most part, playfully interchangeable.

“ninety-nine” is very much inspired by that hate I was talking about above and when you begin to see the artwork in a few short days, you just won’t understand where the hate is; I already know you won’t.  A feeling makes a great writer or artist or composer create amazing things; some directors love doing what they do so much, the end result might just be the most horrifying and hate-filled movie experience you have ever witnessed.  Some painters decide to use that pure hate for an establishment to create the most beautiful (and subtly anti-establishmental) works of art that only barely hint at a less than pure motive.  Hate is a misnomer…there is hate everywhere; it drives us, gives us butterflies and yes, it even opens our eyes to possibilities when love seems to close us off and blinds us.

I decided from the beginning that “ninety-nine” would be sort of upside down and kind of non traditional to me but I always have these thoughts in the back of my mind like, “It’s ok, I can just do these heavy pieces now because there’s always going to be time for me to go back and fit in more of my normal stuff.”  But in reality, tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone and I am thankful that I have done as much artwork as I have had the opportunity to do so far.  As silly as it sounds, I write down notes about all of the artwork I want to do; all of the ideas and poems and short stories and whatnot, in my computer just to feed this delusion of grandeur that I seem to have about what will happen after I am gone.  I think to myself, if I leave enough notes and a clear direction, maybe someone that comes along after me will want to finish it all up; after all, they are really great ideas.  I know it’s a bit pretentious and egotistical of me to think anyone would ever want to sift through any of this half finished mess to find out that they have a lifetime of someone else’s work to finish up but it makes me feel better.  I think that right now, I have somewhere around 300 pieces of artwork, in various forms, from almost completed to just a title written in a list that could potentially never see the light of day.  Some of them are so incredibly amazing ideas that I very much want them to see the light of day but as I said before, tomorrow is promised to no one.

Now, you might have read all that and wondered to yourself, why Jason; why would you decide to push off so many great ideas that you already have just to bang out 99 more pieces of artwork that you had no idea you were going to do four days ago?  There you go; Hate has inspired me to let go of all of those ideas (for now) to do something that I am not entirely sure I can even do.  The hate for being this one-trick pony that can churn out artwork that has no impact beyond the people who like anything that happens to be blue and red that particular day.  I don’t want to be famous or even revered in any way but I do want to be remembered for doing things that the majority of people don’t quite understand but want to.  I want to be remembered for doing something that one person could like, one person will love and one person will hate.

So, when you finally look at these and you think you understand them, maybe get them or are completely confused by the whole damn thing just know that I did my job.  (It would also kind of be nice if they were pleasant to look at)


*Check Back Tomorrow for Part 3 and a new Promotional poster!  Hope you enjoy this one!

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