Monday, September 27, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#3 of ? for 9/27)

I know people don't want to keep reading about what this "ninety-nine" series is about, mainly because I won't give you a straight answer but I gotta tell you, if you think it's frustrating to you then I want you to know that it's 10x worse for me.  I mean think for a moment; I am doing 99 pieces of art...paintings no less (when everyone knows I hate doing paintings because I am not good at them and they are tedious and take more patience than I possess), you know they have to have some reason behind them because I don't usually do anything just for the hell of it and I made such a big deal about them being 'inspired by hate' - I am sorry if it confuses you but it irritates me much more.

Here you go-the 3rd of who knows how many for today...

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