Thursday, September 30, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#1 of 1 for 9/30)

Today I am taking a break from posting; there's just too much I want to say and show everyone that I don't want to be rushed.  Well, that and I am going to go with my friend in a few hours to watch her get on the Wheel of will be a nice ride to Indiana and back...lots of time to talk and be made fun of; I'm looking forward to it.

Anyway, I promise tomorrow there will be much more; new month and hopefully a renewed sense of direction for me...and who knows, maybe even a New Company...hmmmm, lets hope things go well then.

I miss you all...(insert nod to someone special here)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#5 of 5 for 9/29)

I might never be perfect at anything but that doesn't mean I should ever stop trying to elevate myself to do something bigger and better.  I do know that people out there enjoy seeing what I come up with next although sometimes I find it hard to understand why.  I try as hard as I can to give more of myself in everything I do and I hope everyone see it.  I know I can do better and I will always try to challenge myself to do something more amazing than anyone has ever seen.  I know I have great things left in me and I have the desire to do it; I have so many ideas and so many worthwhile stories I still need to tell.  I am reminded on a daily basis how important what I can do is to some people.  I just wish that for once that there was just a little more to everything than there is.  What I mean is that I really do think I can do so much more but it gets more difficult to keep going at the rate I am going by myself; without a little help.  I know I'll keep doing the best I can but you can't blame me for knowing what could make everything even more amazing than it ever was.  One day, I hope to look back on all of the things I am doing now and feel embarrassed to show any of it to people because of how great the work I do will be.  One day...

Thank you all, I love you all...

"ninety-nine" (#4 of 5 for 9/29)

Here we go, #4 of 5 for today in my series, "ninety-nine" and for those of you who are counting; 38 paintings have now been released.

I am excited to be this far into the series; it's gone much smoother than I first expected and being almost 40 pieces into the release, I am feeling much better about the next 60 I have to give you before Halloween...or at least, that's the plan.

Last one around 9pm-

"ninety-nine" (#3 of 5 for 9/29)

Here's the third one from "ninety-nine" today - I don't quite know why but I like this one a lot myself...I am partial to the color red, that might be why...

More in an hour-

"ninety-nine" (#2 of 5 for 9/29)

It's only important if you think it is.
You can only succeed if you know you can.
And the impossible can only happen if you decide you want it to happen.

Let me wax poetic for just this once; with interest and sincerity, with a belief in good where there’s none to be found, with an understanding and knowing that you will most certainly discount for whatever reason you have to do so; for just this once, try to have that innocent blindness about those things you know for sure that you know, so that you may learn something you couldn’t have.

No one understands that driving force behind the need to do something important with their life more than I do; I have always felt that way.  I have always felt that I needed to do something - even something very small, that impacted someone's life in some way...something that made a difference; something that made a simple moment just a little more enjoyable.  I know I have done at least that much so far but that's the funny thing about the human condition, when you get a little of it you try to find out how you can have a little more.  Now, I will admit that sometimes more isn't always better or possible; sometimes what you have is exactly what you need and I have never been the type to press my luck on something.  Sometimes it annoys me to know end when I am grouped together with other people because that only makes me want to prove I'm not like those people even more so.  For me, the grass is never greener on the other side; if my side doesn't look green enough, I can work to make it greener.  For me, there is always a way and always the possibility of the impossible happening...if everything was just the way it was and the way everyone told me it was, I'd be a married, unhappy lawyer right now...thank the heavens I never did listen to any one of those people.  I am one person unlike another, not just the next in line.  I am many things in this life but the only thing I want to be; the only thing that really matters is what it all means to you.

-Here you go; have fun.

"ninety-nine" (#1 of 5 for 9/29)

Five today and two tomorrow...that's the plan at least...

Here you go, as "ninety-nine" continues...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#3 of 3 for 9/28)

Here's the last one for today-enjoy everyone and have a great night.

"ninety-nine" (#2 of 3 for 9/28)

There's often a reason for everything we do day in and day out; sometimes the reasons are rather tiny but often those tiny reason add up to something greater.  I have thought about how I fit in the world; recently it's been more prominent and in the forefront of my mind for some reason.  When I think about what my destiny is I usually laugh because I don't believe in destiny; I believe that we all have control (maybe not complete control but control nonetheless) over where our paths will take us.  I believe we all have the ability to look the other way amidst a decision that might affect our lives as well as taking the chance to make that choice.  There is just one problem; when confronted with someone who decides to tell me how something I have done impacted their life to the point where I am made to feel exactly what they felt, I am literally brought to my knees.  It's happened many times and it always gets me; it makes me want to create more for them; it makes me a better person to be inspired that way.  Most recently, it caught me by surprise...mainly because it had nothing to do with any lines that I put on had to do with this...a collection of words that I haphazardly throw together in an attempt to convey a message that somehow pertains to the artwork.  I write much like I do the artwork, I have some vague idea about what I want to say; an outline of sorts and a general direction about where I want to end up and unlike my artwork, I usually fail miserably at it...or so I thought.  I have always enjoyed writing things but I have always looked at writing like it was a handicapped form of artwork; it takes work to enjoy what someone writes.  It takes time and effort and in most cases, it takes the will to be in the mood to enjoy it.  For my drawings it's much can glance at a previously empty wall somewhere when suddenly, something catches your eye.  You take a second look and think, "I like that" and then move on 10 seconds later, having already made a decision about what you experienced.  A piece of artwork can tell a story in seconds where it might take hours to read something I wrote that you may or may not understand and I have always found that reason alone as being the determining factor for not taking the things I write as serious as I probably should.  Yesterday, all of that changed.  I have realized that there is more to this than the mere words on the page and to the few who read them, they mean the world.  I have realized that depending on who decides to read what I write, it could mean everything.  But most of all, I have realized that what I write and how I mean it to sound actually does get through no matter how unorganized the thoughts are or how inconsistent it happens to sound to me.  It takes a very special person to change the way I think about anything; it takes someone to sound more passionate about what I do than I already do myself.  It takes someone to know just the right way to change the way the world looks so that I might see it in a different light and that is no easy feat.  I love to write just as I love to draw and it took an enormous kick in my ass to make me see that one was just as important (if not more so) than the other.  Thank you so much; it might be true that I find inspiration everywhere but everyone can tell when I come up with a masterpiece; that's the inspiration I want all of the time.

Thank you again for making it clear to me what it was that was good about what I do.

"ninety-nine" (#1 of 3 for 9/28)

Well, I meant to give this to you last night but what with the Bears winning and what kind of just got a bit late, a bit too quick.

I had a lot of fun though...

Anyway; here is the next from my "ninety-nine" series - I hope everyone likes it...

but before's this...   It's an excerpt from Facebook that I thought was just brilliant (and yes, I happen to be calling myself brilliant here-I'm allowed to)  Have fun and I'll be back later with more-

I miss you all, (but not hate me; ok...I miss you too you crazy lady...)

Monday, September 27, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#5 of ? for 9/27)

Ok, I know there is a Chicago Bears game on in a few so I will make sure that I wait until after the game to shoot another piece of artwork out to you and yes, there will be at least one more...

Have fun and GO BEARS!

"ninety-nine" (#4 of ? for 9/27)

For this one...well, later tonight I am going to say a lot about a little so right now, just enjoy the art.


"ninety-nine" (#3 of ? for 9/27)

I know people don't want to keep reading about what this "ninety-nine" series is about, mainly because I won't give you a straight answer but I gotta tell you, if you think it's frustrating to you then I want you to know that it's 10x worse for me.  I mean think for a moment; I am doing 99 pieces of art...paintings no less (when everyone knows I hate doing paintings because I am not good at them and they are tedious and take more patience than I possess), you know they have to have some reason behind them because I don't usually do anything just for the hell of it and I made such a big deal about them being 'inspired by hate' - I am sorry if it confuses you but it irritates me much more.

Here you go-the 3rd of who knows how many for today...

"ninety-nine" (#2 of ? for 9/27)

Two things...

1) It's all true.

2) You must be either not paying attention at all or you're dense.

Here you go, one more from "ninety-nine"  - More in a little while-

"ninety-nine" (#1 of ? for 9/27)

Today I am not sure how many pictures I am gonna give you or how many things I am going to write for you but right now, I feel like I want to give you a whole lot...I have so much to say and I have so much artwork...who knows.  I'll start with this one and I'll just keep posting until I feel like it's out of my system.


Sunday, September 26, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#2 & 3 of 3 for 9/26/2010)

Have a great day everyone; more tomorrow-

"ninety-nine" (#1 of 3 for 9/26/2010)

Here is the first of three pieces of artwork from "ninety-nine" - I'll have all three released before 5pm today-keep checking back...thanx all.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#3 of 3 for 9/25/2010)

Well, here we are, the last one for today - I have some more for tomorrow that I know most of you will like...

So, goodnight; travel well and keep your dreams vivid; I know one day you will find what you're looking for.

Thanx and I miss you so much.

"ninety-nine" (#2 of 3 for 9/25/2010)

...and now, from series "ninety-nine" - here's the second release for today; enjoy!  One more to go until tomorrow...

"Love is the difficult realization that something other than oneself is real."  - Iris Murdoch

No matter what I end up doing or what I decide not to do, life has a way of working everything out the way it's suppose to be; now what I do have the ability to control is being able to notice it and take the chance when it presents it'self.  I have not always done this...even remotely so but sometimes people with very thick skulls and my special brand of being oblivious just needs a little time to learn how things work.  I have always been able to adapt given a little's just too bad I have always had bad timing.  I guess we will just have to see what happens the closer we get to "ninety-nine".

Thanx all-more later.

"ninety-nine" (#1 of 3 for 9/25/2010)

I have decided that today you get 3 of at a time.

-I hope everyone has a great Saturday...and I will have a longer blog for the last one today-

"It doesn't matter who you are or what you look like, so long as somebody loves you." -Roald Dahl

thanx; me

Friday, September 24, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#2 of 2 for 9/24/2010)

It's crazy to think that I have 79 more of these things that you haven't even seen yet and with 20 of them out you already seem to like them a great deal without even knowing the slightest bit about them.  Simply amazing to me.

Well, this is the last one for today so if you happen to want to look at all of them so far, just click on the Main Banner above to go to the beginning of the blog or click the slideshow link to the right that says 'ninety-nine" - thank you all for checking them out.  More tomorrow and remember, if you happen to know anyone out there that would like to see these, just go onto 'FACEBOOK' or 'TWITTER' using the buttons to the right and just recommend it to friends.

I miss you all very much...

"ninety-nine" (#1 of 2 for 9/24/2010)

I have been on the phone with publishers all morning and a book based on the series "ninety-nine" looks really possible but I kinda want to make sure it's a digital book with a limited number of actual printed books.  Everyone is talking 10-30k books.  I almost want to make sure I can release it digitally first for a few months before I ever get to a printed edition...but anyway, you will eventually all get to see this book, even if I have to give it away for free or sell it myself.

I hope everyone enjoys the artwork because above all else and without you, none of this would be possible.

Now, before I give you some artwork, I'd like to give you a little inspiration...

"If love could be bottled and sold; if it could be traded and created with little effort...then all the things I do; all the artwork I create would be lost and insignificant because the driving force that pushes me to create things has always been a little praise, a little thought, a lot of love and that special someone who decided to give it to me."

Thank you and enjoy.

"ninety-nine" (3 unscheduled pieces for tonight)

Right now, the weather is amazing...I feel great and I am jamming to some Buck Cherry and it just seems like now is as good a time as any to give you three pieces from my new series "ninety-nine" - there's only one thing that would have made this a better night but sometimes, that's how it goes...I'll take what I've got.

-here you guys go-have fun!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#2-5 of 5 for 9/23/2010)

Here are 4 more from "ninety-nine" and for all those interested in why I said these were inspired by 'Hate' - well we will just have to wait and see how things turn out.

Thank you all; 2 more tomorrow...and I just want to say one thing...

I have always tried to make sure that I sheltered the world from any of my problems...I would always think that I was doing everyone a favor by not burdening them with my own problems but I was very wrong.  I know this because I love being able to share my thoughts with me, it always make things a little better and when people let me in on their problems, it makes me feel useful. There are times in our life when it seems like the easiest thing to do is to just keep everything neat and tidy but it's important to remember exactly what I forgot a long time ago...that no matter how alone you might think you are (or I think I am), there's always someone out there that cares no matter what happens.  Life is worth way more (even the bad things) when you have something to share.

-Here you go;

"ninety-nine" (#1 of 5 for 9/23/2010)

Here, from my latest series "ninety-nine" is one for the morning crowd...later tonight I'll give you four more in one lot - and if I finish it in time, you might get a bonus piece of artwork (as soon as I figure out what that will be) but I think it will be the second offering in my long awaited "Something Bigger Series" but really, who knows...

For now, I hope you enjoy this-

Thank you all and my prayers are with you-

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"ninety-nine" (2 more for today)

Sometimes it's extremely exhausting when I put so much into something that isn't profitable, such as a bunch of artwork that I end up doing for the heck of it but in reality, somethings get bigger as it goes along.  See, I never thought that this series of artwork would have an enormous impact to begin with; I have always thought that it wouldn't be appreciated like it needed to be until the end of it was near.  To me, it always seemed like it would end up being a series you really had to see one after the other...I mean, there's nothing hidden in these to's all right there without interpretation but you still have to look to understand; you can't just take a glance at it and know.

Anyway, I'll have more tomorrow...probably 3 or swing back tomorrow or check out Facebook and Twitter to find out exactly when the stuff gets released.  (we're up to 10 so far for anyone counting along...not bad for 3 days)

-Thank you for checking it out...and for all of you people who want to be that one 'especially you' person I sometimes add in there; sorry...there's just not that much room for everyone to sit on the porch.

Monday, September 20, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#5 of 5 for today)

Well, Last one for today; hope everyone enjoyed them...more will be released all this week.

Thanx all-

"ninety-nine" (#4 of 5 for today)

Here you go-one more left...only an hour or so away...

"ninety-nine" (#3 of 5 for today)

Wow...even though I have a whole bunch of them done, putting a finishing touch on them and shooting them out to everyone is way not

Anyway, here's another!  More to come...

"ninety-nine" (#2 of 5 for today)

It's 2pm...and here's the next one - thanx all...3 more to go for today...

"ninety-nine" (#1 of 5 for today)

Here we go...enjoy!
More later...keep checking back-

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Introducing: "ninety-nine" (the first three)

Hello and thank you all for checking this out; I hope you enjoy these first 3 pieces from my brand new Series, "ninety-nine".  Before you get to looking at the artwork, I have just a couple of points to clue you in on...and then, have fun - there are 96 more to go.

1)  I will not answer any questions about this series; read the blog, most answers are there - if you still feel like asking me a question and you insist on it, expect me to lie to you.

2) These are abstract, digital straight lines were harmed in the making of these pieces.

3) NONE of these have titles; there is no title or number associated with any of them no matter what you think.

4) Like I said; 99 total pieces and no surprise pieces or extra special releases...99 is quite enough.

5) If it makes you feel better to look at them thinking they are just a bunch of colorful designs, then you should probably do that but if you want to look for something my guest.

6) Painting is a pain in the ass - with a real brush or a digital one...but there were no special effects used when making these.

7) I will be releasing these everyday or almost everyday, between 3 and 5 at a time...check back often or become a Facebook Fan to be up to date.

8) After this series, I am going right into Christmas stuff - there might be time for a break so I can give you a couple spooky Halloween things but I won't know for a few weeks...I am not even halfway done finishing this series.

-Thanx all, the remaining 2 parts in the 5 part "Down from ninety-nine" will be released in the next few days.


Don't forget; for everyone checking the blog out - the quickest way to know when New Artwork is released is to click this facebook link to the right and "Like" the official page!

Thanx to everyone that's a fan already!
And remember, later today you get the first Official releases of "ninety-nine" and a brand new blog!

-Miss you all very much...(just sayin')

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bright Eyes - "First Day of My Life"

I love music; it always inspires me but this song and video is quite possibly the greatest one I have ever heard and seen.  I don't usually post music but just this once...I think it needs to be here.  More later!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Sept. 17, 2010

Today I am not releasing any “ninety-nine” posts; I have decided that instead we should all think about something else; something more important than what egotistical thing I am going to say about some lines I threw on some paper that I have hyped up to the point you might start thinking it will change your life.  Today is different.  Today is more important.  Today will mean something different to everyone; it might mean ordinary or aggravating.  It might mean new or old; it might mean loss or gain and it might even have been a reason to laugh or cry.  Whatever today might mean to you, it’s important – no one should ever loose sight of that.  If we don’t once in a while reflect on what’s going on around us, it never seems to have the necessary impact; we loose it’s significance and it just passes us by.

Today is my Dad’s Birthday; there’s no telling how many of those anyone will have but sooner or later you are faced with a reality that you might not have many more of those to be around for.  My Dad taught me everything I know about everything that’s not drawing pictures and if you think about it, that’s a whole lot of stuff.  I know he is the reason that I am who I am; I got his kind heart, his need to help as well as his flaws like not being able to say no and his sense of loyalty to every situation be it a friendship or a way of thinking.  I have his face, his hair, his sight and his crazy sense of humor for the stupid things life throws at you.  I have taken every opportunity I could to learn everything I could from him and I still do everyday.  One day I hope I could be half the man, the Dad, the husband and friend he has been throughout his life.  I am lucky I still have him close to me and hopefully he’ll be around for many, many more September 17ths.  Happy Birthday Dad-I love you.

Today might mean different things for different people but you should always know that whatever any day might bring, there is love and loss; happiness and tears; strength hidden in fear and someone out there that understands the difference; someone that will be there for you if you need it.  You can’t always guess what will happen tomorrow but you can say what you really need to say right now to the people you care about…that’s what counts.

So, in honor of today, I am going to give you a little poem that happens to be one of my favorites.

Thank you.

PS: just sayin' is all.

With Only Minutes…

You can count on one hand how many moments in life you remember that have touched you in a way that affected you.  What I don’t understand is why it doesn’t happen more often.  When it happens, isn’t it the greatest thing in the world?  Wouldn’t you want to find that all of the time?  Wouldn’t you search for it at every chance that was given you?  Wouldn’t you like to impact someone just as much?  I suppose never understanding is what I am destined to do.  Love is exactly that; you find it and then you lose it but you knew it was there before so you search it out in all of the places you know it’s not but hope it might be.  Listen, if real love was ever there once, it will always be there but too many times, too many people mistaken everything that’s not for what they want it to be so they end up looking for forever in a place it never existed to begin with.  Trust me, I have searched long and hard for something I knew I wouldn’t find anywhere but I am different, I went to make sure I couldn’t find it so I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt where it wasn’t.  If I had never found that out, I figured I might never know what everything really was at it’s basic point; what forever was to begin with.

Here in this life we have only minutes, we count them all of the time and time, that’s something that is only vaguely relative to the people who have very little.  Time is a reference that begins to make less sense the more we ponder how little we have.  We live for those minutes and moments not for the ones we wish we had.  We are because we want to be, not because we need to be and more importantly, we don’t love or express love because we have to-it’s because someone in our lives gave it to us and it was so great that we want it all the time.  We believe in it when there is little to believe in.  We hope it really exists because we felt just enough of it once to know it has to.  Love while you can, live every minute and love all those moments…you can’t buy time, only the illusion that you have more.  Just remember that in the end, all of those moments flood your soul and you take them with you wherever you go; wouldn’t you want them all to be incredible…after all, what more is there?

“The End”

Time stops here.

There are infinite ways to know
Without ever knowing…
There are immeasurable values
Among the few we can gauge.
There are even improbable circumstances
That become more possible every day.

But before you live
You must have realized death-
To have found something worth notice
You would have had to grip some loss
And to have known the answer
You must have once gotten it wrong.

Time is time; they say it waits for no man;
It moves with a swiftness
Only few would understand.

But at the end of it all there is one thing that remains,
A vast nothingness of empty; a void within space.

And yet…within this void, there is this place…
A place where more than not nothing exists;
Yes, here there happens to be something locked from within.

Sealed with a key and protected by time
The End is the answer and the question is the rhyme.
Surrounded by the silence of a void so vast
It’s easy to understand why so few have passed.

It’s much more than just a simple absence in kind
It’s the smallest piece of the smallest part
Of the tiniest object one could imagine in life.

Albeit tiny and unobtrusive; mostly unknown to most
It’s the single most important hiding place
For every single unspoken word.

In the end it’s only the dream not dreamt;
The hand not held; the words not said.
It’s the wish unwished, the mountain not climbed;
It’s the life not lived all because of time.

The minutes tick by as the clock moves on
While the words once fresh become stale…then gone.
One second, one minute, one day, one week…
One month, one year before you say what you think;
With every tick that tocks; with every passing ray of light
It becomes more difficult to remember just why.
“One time, one life, one moment I lost…”
You say to yourself as you curse that thought.
And when it feels too late and you’re at the end
Of your minute, your hour with only seconds to spend,
Might you think that a word; a silly little word
Might it buy you more time, Might it be worth the chance;
The chance to stop time in spite of it’s hand?

In The End it is true, there IS nothing left
But remember that within nothing
There is a small place and a chance…

It is within that nothingness that’s so hard to see.
Too hard to fathom and impossible to believe;
That forever those words still wait and they keep
They wait for a day when too late is all you need.

They’ve always been there and they have always been true
And those words will always ready for that moment deep within you.

Know that simply because it’s never been done,
And just because it’s too late to say
And ultimately it won’t happen now
Means even less every day.

It’s hard to say that it’s never too late
Because The End to anything comes with no date.
Things end abruptly and without cause;
They end with out recourse, notice or awe.
You will only know the end by how much it hurts
And how much is left of your unused words.

In the end my words will be used;
I’ve said what I have because I needed to.
I’ve written and drawn as I feel and think;
I’ve yelled and I’ve fought for what I believe.
And still I will have words left to say
And words forgotten as time swept away

But the most important words I could ever have had
Were the words I’ve had for love;
A love for an hour or an eternity
Whether I’ve said it aloud or in my head
For a friend, to a mate or because of true love;
All those words were perfect in The End.

This “Somewhere this Side of Forever” I leave
Is the place where dreams happen if you believe.
It’s where I leave you to imagine what’s next
In one second, one moment, one lifetime…the end.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Down from "ninety-nine" (part 3 of 5)

 For me, it’s exciting to guess what everyone might think about when they look at my artwork; doubly so to know what everyone might be expecting.  I do know that whatever you are expecting to see from me isn’t what you’ll get.  There’s a lot of misconceptions that everyone already has and they are all because of me; it was designed that way to begin with…it’s how people get excited about things.  But the reality of it all is that when you see the artwork, there will be confusion…not quite instantly but confusion none the less.  You will all wonder and think about what you’re looking at and why you’re looking at it.  You might even find a way to ask me to answer some of those questions for you.  You will probably expect that there is a perfectly rational reason that I have done what I did and there most certainly is.  You might even understand that everything here is very harmless because you understand that sometimes an artist has to reach a little to find inspiration (especially an artist that enjoys creating confusion almost as much as he enjoys creating the artwork itself).

On so many occasions I have hidden things in my artwork that maybe someone dozens of years from now will find and realize that I was either a genius or a very obsessed, over zealous fool with more delusions than the average Betty Ford resident…whichever the case, I take it as a compliment.  However, this series, of which there are enormous opportunities to hide well placed messages in do not have any.  Everything is face value and straight forward and I believe that might cause many problems.  Let me try and explain; see, when I hide cryptic messages within complicated symbolism, people have a choice…they can look very hard to see exactly what I meant when I did it or you could very easily just look at it and enjoy it for what it is without having to understand any of it.  By taking beauty for beauty’s sake, you don’t ever have to have the burden of knowing something that you might not have wanted to know.  This time, I just didn’t give you the choice and that I believe is what will cause the most problems.  It’s human nature to want to know – if there is something that’s worth knowing anyway.  It’s very much like when someone reads one of those headlines on a tabloid at the supermarket; you don’t need to be specifically interested in who it is to want to know what they are talking about; just the hint at something more is all anyone needs.

I could take the high road and tell you before hand that none of it means anything but I’d be lying.  It’s silly to think that anything I do could mean ABSOLUTELY nothing when I created this artwork but I will say that it would be very irresponsible if I didn’t explain that sometimes it’s also human nature to want there to be a much better story behind it than there probably is.  It’s funny, sometimes I get emails asking me about what I meant by something or someone asks me what I was thinking or even who something was for and when I tell them, they are always disappointed.  I will admit, just this once, that I probably over play it down because I don’t enjoy starting problems and trust me, in the past I have started some useless battles just because I put some lines on a piece of paper for someone else.  I hope you can understand a little better about why I tone it down about who I do certain artwork for…but I think of it like a secret that I made sure I wouldn’t talk about.  I don’t want war…you can look at my artwork and know I stay away from conflict.  I just know that this series has the potential to cause a little hurricane of issues but you should really just take it for what it’s worth and not think to hard about it; just love it or hate it for what it is – trust me, life will be much more enjoyable if you do.


Here you go-another promo- tomorrow, part 4 of 5-

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Down from "ninety-nine" (part 2 of 5)

Hate is an interesting word; we use it in everyday conversation as liberally as we use the word love which, in most cases begin to loose it’s meaning.  In fact, hate is really a very loaded word that depends on it’s context and the way it’s said.  It can be the driving force at work or the reason to excel at something; it can be just as inspirational as the word love when invoked properly; it can also mean the same thing…they are for the most part, playfully interchangeable.

“ninety-nine” is very much inspired by that hate I was talking about above and when you begin to see the artwork in a few short days, you just won’t understand where the hate is; I already know you won’t.  A feeling makes a great writer or artist or composer create amazing things; some directors love doing what they do so much, the end result might just be the most horrifying and hate-filled movie experience you have ever witnessed.  Some painters decide to use that pure hate for an establishment to create the most beautiful (and subtly anti-establishmental) works of art that only barely hint at a less than pure motive.  Hate is a misnomer…there is hate everywhere; it drives us, gives us butterflies and yes, it even opens our eyes to possibilities when love seems to close us off and blinds us.

I decided from the beginning that “ninety-nine” would be sort of upside down and kind of non traditional to me but I always have these thoughts in the back of my mind like, “It’s ok, I can just do these heavy pieces now because there’s always going to be time for me to go back and fit in more of my normal stuff.”  But in reality, tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone and I am thankful that I have done as much artwork as I have had the opportunity to do so far.  As silly as it sounds, I write down notes about all of the artwork I want to do; all of the ideas and poems and short stories and whatnot, in my computer just to feed this delusion of grandeur that I seem to have about what will happen after I am gone.  I think to myself, if I leave enough notes and a clear direction, maybe someone that comes along after me will want to finish it all up; after all, they are really great ideas.  I know it’s a bit pretentious and egotistical of me to think anyone would ever want to sift through any of this half finished mess to find out that they have a lifetime of someone else’s work to finish up but it makes me feel better.  I think that right now, I have somewhere around 300 pieces of artwork, in various forms, from almost completed to just a title written in a list that could potentially never see the light of day.  Some of them are so incredibly amazing ideas that I very much want them to see the light of day but as I said before, tomorrow is promised to no one.

Now, you might have read all that and wondered to yourself, why Jason; why would you decide to push off so many great ideas that you already have just to bang out 99 more pieces of artwork that you had no idea you were going to do four days ago?  There you go; Hate has inspired me to let go of all of those ideas (for now) to do something that I am not entirely sure I can even do.  The hate for being this one-trick pony that can churn out artwork that has no impact beyond the people who like anything that happens to be blue and red that particular day.  I don’t want to be famous or even revered in any way but I do want to be remembered for doing things that the majority of people don’t quite understand but want to.  I want to be remembered for doing something that one person could like, one person will love and one person will hate.

So, when you finally look at these and you think you understand them, maybe get them or are completely confused by the whole damn thing just know that I did my job.  (It would also kind of be nice if they were pleasant to look at)


*Check Back Tomorrow for Part 3 and a new Promotional poster!  Hope you enjoy this one!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Down from "ninety-nine" (part 1 of 5)

Sometimes I'd sit here and explain about how I got the ideas for certain pieces of artwork and sometimes I'd even explain how I decided to go about creating the pieces...but "ninety-nine" is special; I couldn't pick it apart if I tried.  I think I sat down with this group of pieces and decided that I wouldn't think about them at all.  I think I decided right at the very beginning (which was early last week) that like a painter, I would just pick up a brush and let whatever I was feeling spill all over the canvas this time.  It was a lot less messy being digital but it's amazing that the pen feels so much like a brush and the tips are as close to exactly what I would have used that I tried to do one with a brush for real and they came out the exactly the same.  I wanted to show everyone what I was feeling without making it completely obvious to the world but I wanted all of them to be unique.  I was even a bit worried about how many of these I could actually do; I mean, would I just run out before I hit #99? or why should I even do 99 in the first place?  A week ago it was an idea, a day later I wasn't sure and the day after that when I wrote down all the reasons to do the artwork - I knew right away that 99 pieces were perfect to begin with.  I thought, are there even 99 reasons?  then when I started writing them down and within a few minutes I got to #64 (I remember stopping there and looking at my list thinking,'s only been a few minutes) and I knew I had more in me.  The artwork itself was much easier...I would just start pushing that color around.  Now I am not nearly done with a third of them and 5 days from now I should be done with about 50...and for once, I am not worried about how they look or if they need something more or if they aren't just quite right...because they will be - because these 99 paintings (more so than the majority of my work up till now) comes straight from my heart and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Thank you for reading; Here is Promo#2 - check back tomorrow for part 2 of 5 and another promo piece -thanx for reading!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Series "ninety-nine" Inspired by Hate

Hello Everyone, it's been quite a while; I have been very busy designing and creating an amazing series of artwork that was going to debut last month called the "Something Bigger Series" as well as finishing the last three (3) pieces of the "INCIRCLES Series" but while I was making everything final on all of the new artwork, there were complications...

See, sometimes you just have to do what you feel is right in your heart and that is why I have decided to hold off on the 36+ pieces I have planned in the "Something Bigger Series" and the last few in the "INCIRCLES Series" to bring you something from left field.

Somethings are important to do right away; when the time is right and this is coming from someone with horrible while I have the opportunity to even do this artwork, I am going to.  Some things are just more important to me than throwing some lines on a page just to say that I did it...I hope you understand.

On September 19, 2010 you will see the first in a series of Digital Paintings that I am calling "ninety-nine" - these pieces have no special manipulation, they are all free hand with no color adjustments...nope, everything is done by me pushing color around the canvas only in this case, it's done with a digital pen. These pieces have no symbolism, they are abstract, and they are very self explanatory...they are also inspired by something very special...they are inspired by 'HATE'. You will figure out kind of quickly why I named the Series "ninety-nine" but you won't understand where the 'HATE' comes from but let me assure you that it is only need to look for it.

I don't know when I will release the other pieces I originally had for you but eventually you will but my guess, it won't be until after Christmas because I still intend to put out those Holiday designs that I know you all love.

So, I hope you swing back around on the 19th of September to see what I've got for you and I hope you enjoy them but until that day comes, enjoy this Promotional Piece that depicts the official release logo.

Thank you and goodnight.