Monday, April 25, 2011

The EPIC Series: "Read My Mind"

Sorry I was late-I had a small power outage and my server went down for a bit...

This next piece was one of the most difficult pieces to do; the original which was done in 2007 (below) needed a complete over haul (by my standards BUT I still wanted to keep the same type of basic feel to it:

(the 2007 version)
I wanted to keep that same feel but it needed a bit more color and cleaning up-at first glance, it pretty much looks the same but all 200+ layers with all of the separate drawings had to be redone completely.  I really wanted to do this over because the meaning of this needed to change this time around and I am glad I had the chance to go back and make it right.

Well, without waiting any longer, here it is-the next in the 'EPIC Series' - "Read My Mind"
Thank you all and have a great night-new blog tomorrow.
PS: Don't forget to follow me on TWITTER by clicking there and hit follow!- -CANuSLiDE->

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