Saturday, April 16, 2011

The EPIC Series: The Artwork List

Hello-thanx for stopping by and checking out my NEW 'EPIC Series' - and as I promised yesterday, below is a list of artwork that is slated to be dome in the next couple of months...but you will notice that there are more than 40 pieces listed...well, some will be cut to bring the total to 38.  See, all of these designs are in some sort of current production state, as time goes on-some things won't look so good to me or are not quite as finished as I would like them and might be missing something-those will be the ones I cut.  This series is meant to only contain what I believe to be my best work to date.

In 2005, I released my 'Signature Series' and it was good but I knew I had more in me...I could do even better.  The 'EPIC Series' is sort of a continuation of that-all the artwork in this series begins with hand-drawn artwork-no computer generated crap...I design every line to be in the place it needs to be; I do use the computer to speed up some processes and for clean-up purposes, also for some other more 'tricky' techniques that I have decided needed to happen for the artwork to be complete.  In 2007, I really wanted this series to be everything I knew it could be but I just stopped after 10 pieces, (releasing the 11th in 2008 actually) until a while or so ago when I got a simple email consisting one one single sentence...and then, all of a sudden, it just all rushed in-it came back to me!  I just wanted to do them again and off I rushed to dig out my original sketches and ideas-carefully choosing and putting them together so I had an idea of where I might be heading and how long I had to take to do it.  Well, the first 2 are out, one old one and one new one and on Monday you will get another all NEW piece called "Hold On" and Wednesday you will get the re-worked version of "Crazy Hot".

I hope you enjoy everything-I really do think this is going to be pretty good...

“Epic Series” (2007) 2011 edit
“the most epic thing I could think to do was to design something that had my heart into it; that would have been impossible without you…thank you for your brilliance-I am only as good as the people around me and I am lucky enough to have the best.” 
By: Jason Marshall

* - denotes possible cut 
gray - previously released
yellow- currently available

1.      “Read My Mind”
2.      “Tarantula”
3.      “Sweet Dreams”
4.      “Crazy Hot”
5.      “Hold On”
6.      “Why Do I Keep Counting?” (title may change)
7.      “Real Love Waits” *
8.      “Little Wonders” *
9.      “ROCKSTAR” *
10.  “Bleeding Me”
11.  “Love Revolution”
12.  “Welcome to the World”
13.  “Super Fantastic”
14.  (untitled frog) *
15.  “Army of Roses”
16.  “Live Proud”
17.  (untitled RED)
18.  (untitled rainbow-bolt)
19.  (untitled blue design)
20.  “Archimedes The Great”
21.  “Decaf” *
22.  “What You Do To Me”
23.  “Torn To Shreds” *
24.  “Let Me Fly” *
25.  (untitled earth)
26.  “Hello Love, Goodbye Hate” *
27.  “Among Friends”
28.  (untitled letters)
29.  “Window in the Skies”
30.  “Broken Radio”
31.  Mexico
32.  “Love and Light”
33.  “Rhythm of Love” *
34.  Heart + Soul” *
35.  (untitled silver tubes)
36.   “1337” *
37.  (untitled playing card)
38.  “News of the World”
39.  “Love You Like Mad”
40.  “Back and Forth”
41. "Oh My Heart"
42.  "Mistakes & Failures"
43.  “Hesitate” *
44.  “Grenade” *
45.  “It’s So Good”
46.  “My Life in Minutes”

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