Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The EPIC Series: Things To Come

So far, I'd call this release pretty successful...although I didn't do much advertising for it and I pushed it through faster than I normally would but I guess you have to move when the mood hits you.  Anyway, I thought to myself a couple of days ago, "Self, we have a rare opportunity to show people what's on the production side with this series of artwork and I think it would be cool to-don't you?"  Now, aside from talking to myself, I thought this idea wasn't totally insane and I have decided to show you a little glimpse of the process.

I have always thought of my 'EPIC Series' as containing a certain kind of artwork; those clean, heavily layered and emotionally filled pieces.  They seem to have a more specific nature to them compared to a lot of my other work; they are really a hit or miss for people.  They might 'look good' in a technical aspect but you really either get it or you don't.  In most cases, one will jump out from the rest and grab you where the others might only give you a smile at best...witch is the case with most artwork you see; after all, not everyone likes most of what Picasso has done (not that I am comparing myself to Picasso), but everyone has at least one Picasso that they just enjoy more than the rest.  I just hope that someday everyone will understand completely why I do what I do-aside from enjoying it.

Now, I know I told you that the next piece you would see is called "Crazy Hot" and it is a previously released piece but it has been heavily overhauled-it still looks strikingly like the original because I used the same exact techniques and I believe it invokes the same feelings but it is much cleaner looking in my opinion.  However, I am moving the release of "Crazy Hot" back to Friday and tomorrow I am giving you an ALL-NEW piece called "Mistakes+Failures" instead.  Tomorrow early afternoon, I will give you the finished product and then around 5pm I will release 'The Making of "Mistakes+Failures"' which will be a series of pictures that you will be able to see how the process moves from a blob of an idea to a finished product.

The piece you will see tomorrow, "Mistakes +Failures" is a piece that was not on the original list of artwork from 2007, it is a recent addition (more about that tomorrow) that should bring you a little insight on just how much work and how many different elements and drawings go into one single piece of my work.  It was a unique opportunity for me to do the artwork and save things step-by-step to show you how it progressed.  Next week, I plan on giving you a piece called "Mexico" and "Read My Mind" (which has probably been the one piece that has been altered the most from it's original form) and quite possibly one more all new piece that I have not decided on yet.  There are just too many pieces with close to the same amount of progress to decide which one will be the next one yet.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the blog and check back tomorrow for an ALL-NEW piece of artwork.  I hope you liked them so far...

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