Monday, April 18, 2011

The EPIC Series: "Hold On"

For starters, I need to clear something see, in a previous post, I said something about getting a two-line email and that's what started the ball rolling again for my artwork and this 'EPIC Series' and instead of trying to explain the email or the message or whatever, I have just decided to copy it right to here so there's absolutely no chance of there being an issue about who it's'll know it if you wrote it, if it doesn't look like something you sent me-you didn''s that easy.  Ok, so here it is; all the way from March 20th, 2011...

"So when are you going to get off your ass and do some artwork? I hate that you have stopped. I really do."

Right after that message, I came up with the preliminary idea for "Oh My Heart" and within the next few days, I began putting other ideas down and combining them with previous ideas from my 2007 Epic Series that was unfinished...and you know the rest...

But today, I have something special for you; it's a NEW piece from the 'EPIC Series' called "Hold On" and I absolutely loved doing this one...I just hope you like it half as much.

TOMORROW: A short blog with things to come...swing on by and tell your friends; this is going to be EPIC.

Thank you-

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