Saturday, October 30, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#99 - the last one)

Thank you all for joining me on this little adventure in artwork; it's been exciting for me in more ways than one.  I hope you continue to enjoy this artwork for a long time, it will definitely have a special place in my heart forever.  Well, I suppose I shouldn't go on for too first I wanted to give you a stunning blog to end this in a big way; an exclamation point on "ninety-nine" but although the artwork is done, "ninety-nine" is far from over so without any further unneeded pomp and circumstance, here it is...the last of "ninety-nine" -

Thank you all for viewing and I love you very much...but especially I have only one person to thank for the best kind of inspiration that this artist has ever received; just a little bit of hate; thanx beautiful.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry...THIS is the one I'd love to have on a black T...I'll pay big bucks for it! Lib