Monday, October 25, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#2 - 10/25)

To me, it's pretty cool to be able to give you this artwork; I know everyone who has looked at the series so far has gotten some kind of enjoyment from it and that makes me very happy.  It's funny how one simple word; a little hate and a sleepless night spawned all of this.  This is my largest ever series of artwork and looking back on it, it's staggering for me to think about all of the things that went into creating it and putting it out for you.  I don't think there is ever any way for me to out do it but then I am reminded of the feeling I had when I did each individual piece and I think to myself; if a little feeling could push me to do all of this, then I just can't wait to see what else is possible.  The greatest part of it all is there is only one person to thank for it...and I wouldn't know how to begin to say thank you but hopefully, I have many chances in the future to...that would make me one pretty lucky guy if you ask me. (just sayin')

Thank you again...

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