Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#2 of 2 for 10/12)

There are so many things that are contradictory; sometimes I have a difficult time knowing which one is the right one to listen too.  Everything has multiple meanings...there so many thoughts to sort out that sometimes I just don't know if I want to anymore but then, I remember...

I remember what matters; I remember that it's not what I do, it's why I do it.  I remember all the really important things I have learned along the way and I try to further distinguish them from the crap that is just there to throw me off course.  I remember things at their most basic; I recall the simple things that mean the most to me.  I know what everything is 'worth' to me; everything has an established 'worth' that can either have an assigned number to it or can be more precisely, priceless.  I remember that no matter what, I know what I feel - the rest of the world be dammed.  It's not my job to make anyone believe what I believe and it's not my job to persuade anyone to see things the way I see them and it is definitely not my job to feel different about anything based on me guessing how someone else feels.  It is my job to continue to be true to myself and to keep doing anything I want to do that brings me a little happiness and I think it's very selfish for anyone to want me to put my happiness aside foe any reason short of a sincere feeling of dislike.  Sometimes I have all sorts of contradictory things go through my mind...but only for a moment...and only until I remember why I love doing what I do.

Here's the last from "ninety-nine" for today-enjoy.

I miss you and I love you all. (especially...well, you know. +1)

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