Monday, October 25, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#1 - 10/25)

"ninety-nine" has been an adventure that I wasn't expecting and although I am not quite ready for it to end, it will very soon.  I have enjoyed the moments more than I could ever explain right now but if you were to take anything from this series so far, it should be that:
If there's something you set out to do, as long as you put your whole heart into it, it will end up being everything you wanted it to be.  Every piece isn't perfect and some of them might not look right to you but look at them all; look at all 99 together and then you will see that a bunch of slightly imperfect pieces of the same thing make for something pretty impressive.  To think that less than two months ago I decided on a whim to start this instead of my very well planned out "Something Bigger Series" and now, having almost completed "ninety-nine" all I can think about is how I could ever top that?  I just hope everyone liked a few of them and it gave someone a little smile when I put a new one up.  It's rare that I get more out of a series than the people who end up with them hanging on their wall but let me assure you, this time I have.

-I just have a few more to release so please be patient and keep checking back-thank you.

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