Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thank You and Goodnight.

I hope you all enjoy my artwork for many, many more years to come; it was my pleasure to share them with all of have been my greatest inspiration and I will never forget that.  In all of the years I have been creating all of this and more, you have all given me a reason to keep continue to create bigger and better things; to always attempt something new and exciting.  Sometimes, I was even lucky enough to have the opportunity to have one of you touch my heart in a way that I couldn't begin to explain and even so, all good things must come to an end.  I have thought hard about everything for the last two months or so and I have tried to continue to bring you the wonderful artwork that I have for so long.  It has been a great 12 years of creating wonderful dreams come true and smiles on your faces as you look at all these things I have done but I cannot continue to do it anymore.  I cannot predict the future nor can I say without a doubt that I won't feel like giving you new artwork eventually but I can honestly say that it won't be anytime soon and for that, I am sorry.  I feel like I am letting you all down but there are just somethings that I just can't control.  I have tried to keep doing what I normally do but it's not working.  The quality I am use to giving is just not there and I won't give out some half-ass piece of shit with no feeling in it that I decided to throw together just so you'll have something new to look at.  I do know that I am not planning on even attempting anything new until at least 2012...I know there is only one thing on this earth that could possibly change my mind on that -but you shouldn't get your hopes up, I can tell you that it doesn't look good at all.  I hope you all know that I love you very much and that I thank you for your years of support; hopefully I will see you all in a year or so and maybe by then I will finally have something amazing to show you.

"For all the amazing times, in every wonderful way; it was all about a little love when life seemed to get in the way.  The world, it might get cold and the sun certainly won't shine quite as bright; but the tiny flicker of those memories, I will always look to that light.  It wasn't for the masses and I didn't do it for the fans; not Jamie hadn't a clue that it was all for you in the end."

Thank you and goodnight-
(Artwork from 1994-2010)

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