Friday, October 08, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#2 of who knows)

So, as some of you know, I am writing a book that coincides with the series "ninety-nine"; it is looking like it consists of 99 pieces of artwork and about a hundred pages written and a cover piece made up of all of the artwork.  Originally, I wanted to do a coffee table book in a digital format to start off with for the first 4 months but it seems that the publishers I have lined up to do it decided that they don't want to refit their layout for digital artwork.  I personally know it will work and even if I have to make an android and iphone app that displays the book the way I want it to, I will.  It just seems that the print version might be out before the digital one...not my first choice.

There is still a little more than a month left for me to sort that out though so I am going to keep working on it, I just thought you would like to have an update-and another piece of artwork...

p.s. really love the hair-

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