Monday, October 11, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#3 of 3 for 10/11)

I have been writing and rewriting a lot for this book and I am not sure what anyone will expect to read (if anyone even reads it) but it definitely seems like I am missing it; it's not turning out to be what I expected it to be.  At first, I thought I would just 'wing' it and just write what I wanted to but that turned out much like a bunch of senseless thoughts bouncing around with no cohesiveness at all.  Then, the other night I was driving home and I had an idea, a way to write this book that makes sense; a way that gave it a structure and I was very excited about that prospect.  Now, a couple of days later of bouncing between the chapters I have set in place to keep me completely on track, my thoughts are completely in order and the book is coming along nicely until I read it.  It's boring; completely book report from a construction manual boring.  It reads like an auto biography about me that has a brief to do about the artwork and I absolutely hate it.  I am going to rewrite what I have yet again because the focus on this book should not be on me at all.  Even the artwork should be secondary in this book and it's just completely wrong.  I don't care if anyone understands how I started drawing pictures, this is not about me.  I know I need to just let it hit me again and try to write the way I usually do but this book and "ninety-nine" just means so much to me that it's difficult for me to just throw something together and hope it flies...this has to say everything the way I felt it.  I don't know if I can do it but I do know it has to be done, there are deadlines that I can't move and I do work better under pressure.  The first draft has to go in right after Halloween and there's no changing that.  I am shooting for 100 written pages and hopefully I can deliver.

Thanx for reading, I just needed to complain a bit...I know you came here to see some artwork so let's give it to you-have a great night everyone...(and remember, I owe you one lady...3-2=1)

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