Monday, October 04, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#2 of 5 for 10/4)

Here's another one from "ninety-nine" - I think you'll find as we go along, you tend to know exactly what you like and what you don't about them...we are almost halfway through them and you have seen so many so far, you find yourself wondering what else you might see here.  I think you'll be a little surprised as we go along because there are many thing you won't be expecting.  I hope you enjoy everything and be sure to invite all of your friends to check all the artwork out here-I have it available for free so everyone can enjoy them; let everyone know you can use them for your phone, computer, to print out and whatever!  Have a great day-I'll be back in a little while with more-

800 times...things cross my mind all the time but not quite that often; hmmmm.

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