Saturday, October 30, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#99 - the last one)

Thank you all for joining me on this little adventure in artwork; it's been exciting for me in more ways than one.  I hope you continue to enjoy this artwork for a long time, it will definitely have a special place in my heart forever.  Well, I suppose I shouldn't go on for too first I wanted to give you a stunning blog to end this in a big way; an exclamation point on "ninety-nine" but although the artwork is done, "ninety-nine" is far from over so without any further unneeded pomp and circumstance, here it is...the last of "ninety-nine" -

Thank you all for viewing and I love you very much...but especially I have only one person to thank for the best kind of inspiration that this artist has ever received; just a little bit of hate; thanx beautiful.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

"ninety-nine" (1st of the last 2)

This is it...only one more after this and I have done it.  99 digital paintings in about 6 weeks; all of them with purpose and all of them probably means much more to me now than I ever thought they might at the beginning of "ninety-nine".  I am grateful  for everyone who helped to make this a date this has been the largest series with the smallest release audience (only 2 advertising release sites because of how quickly I put it out) with the largest reception; 20 different countries...pretty cool.

Thank you all but a special thanx goes to this one girl (whose name is not Jamie) that happened to be the reason I did these in the first place.  Thank you beautiful.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#2 - 10/26)

The one single thing that is important to me is that I get this right; I'm not quite sure yet if I am but I really want to do my really is the single most important thing for more reasons than I can count.  I hope I get it right...

"ninety-nine" (#1 of 2 for 10/26)

There are only a couple more days left of new releases from "ninety-nine" and I genuinely hope you have enjoyed these pieces of artwork; here is the next in the series...I don't quite know why but I really like this one personally...maybe because it just says everything in green...

Monday, October 25, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#2 - 10/25)

To me, it's pretty cool to be able to give you this artwork; I know everyone who has looked at the series so far has gotten some kind of enjoyment from it and that makes me very happy.  It's funny how one simple word; a little hate and a sleepless night spawned all of this.  This is my largest ever series of artwork and looking back on it, it's staggering for me to think about all of the things that went into creating it and putting it out for you.  I don't think there is ever any way for me to out do it but then I am reminded of the feeling I had when I did each individual piece and I think to myself; if a little feeling could push me to do all of this, then I just can't wait to see what else is possible.  The greatest part of it all is there is only one person to thank for it...and I wouldn't know how to begin to say thank you but hopefully, I have many chances in the future to...that would make me one pretty lucky guy if you ask me. (just sayin')

Thank you again...

"ninety-nine" (#1 - 10/25)

"ninety-nine" has been an adventure that I wasn't expecting and although I am not quite ready for it to end, it will very soon.  I have enjoyed the moments more than I could ever explain right now but if you were to take anything from this series so far, it should be that:
If there's something you set out to do, as long as you put your whole heart into it, it will end up being everything you wanted it to be.  Every piece isn't perfect and some of them might not look right to you but look at them all; look at all 99 together and then you will see that a bunch of slightly imperfect pieces of the same thing make for something pretty impressive.  To think that less than two months ago I decided on a whim to start this instead of my very well planned out "Something Bigger Series" and now, having almost completed "ninety-nine" all I can think about is how I could ever top that?  I just hope everyone liked a few of them and it gave someone a little smile when I put a new one up.  It's rare that I get more out of a series than the people who end up with them hanging on their wall but let me assure you, this time I have.

-I just have a few more to release so please be patient and keep checking back-thank you.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#2 - 10/24)

I have been fortunate to meet some pretty amazing people over the years but now my definition of amazing has been rewritten.

"ninety-nine" (#1 - 10/24)

I am still the same person I have always been.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

"ninety-nine" (only 1 for today)

The fact of the matter is that now I don't have to thunk so hard anymore.

Friday, October 22, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#2 - 10/22)

Although the artwork I do is pretty good, some words and a few lines could never accurately capture the real beauty I see.

"ninety-nine" (#1 - 10/22)

There might be some confusion about my intentions; just to be clear, it is my intention to be there every moment I can.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#3 - 10/21)

I can be afraid of what might happen or I can enjoy the moments that I am lucky enough to have.

"ninety-nine" (#2 - 10/21)

Because beyond everything, there is so much more.

"ninety-nine" (#1 - 10/21)

I can only declare that when my eyes are upon you, I am instantly reminded of the definition of beautiful.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#3 - 10/20)

There is always a way.

"ninety-nine" (#2 - 10/20)

There's no substitution for good, old fashioned, stupidity. 

"ninety-nine" (#1 - 10/20)

I am not convinced anyone really understands just how completely lovely one person can be...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#3 - 10/19)

As I am creating this artwork, it's impossible for me not to think about how amazingly great it is to be inspired by someone more incredible than I know I am.

"ninety-nine" (#2 - 10/19)

I have never been afraid of writing what needs to be written; my fear is knowing someone might understand what I was trying to say.

"ninety-nine" (#1 - 10/19)

It's more than that, I know it is.

Monday, October 18, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#7 - 10/18)

And in the end, there is only one thing that really matters and I do very much.

"ninety-nine" (#6 - 10/18)

Some people out there wonder about what's next in life; I don't wonder what's next, I only ask who it's with.

"ninety-nine" (#5 - 10/18)

Sometimes it only takes one look for everything to be better.

"ninety-nine" (#4 - 10/18)

If there is any doubt what so ever, it is not with me.

"ninety-nine" (#3 - 10/18)

Among all things, the most possible are usually the most difficult.

"ninety-nine" (#2 - 10/18)

after all, I am just me.

"ninety-nine" (#1 - 10/18)

I want you all to know two things;

1. The rest of the artwork, a little less than thirty pieces are the best of the series in my opinion.
2. If anything, I am more determined than ever.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#3 of 3 for 10/14)

Here we go; The last piece of artwork from "ninety-nine" until Monday-  Don't worry, I have some special artwork planned for Sweetest Day and in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month.  Among the other holidays I decide to design stuff for, this is one of my favorites and there's a good cause behind it.  So enjoy this artwork from "ninety-nine" - I mean it.

"ninety-nine" (#2 of 3 for 10/14)

I am really excited about these last twenty-something pieces; I wish I could share with everyone what I was thinking while I did them and, well...all of them.  But hopefully, after I deliver the final draft of this book, they will publish it the way I want (and as soon as I want) so each of you could know.  It's really pretty fantastic how I have gotten to this point, not knowing how many people would look at them or like them.  The funny thing is, to me the only thing that really mattered when I started this ill conceived venture had yet to even begin to understand the enormity of it.

Here's #2 for today-

"ninety-nine" (#1 of 3 for 10/14)

I didn't think that I was going to do more than one or two today but these three are really good in my opinion and actually, for the most part the rest of them are the best of the whole series I think...

Anyway, everyone has their favorites and I hope I am able to give you a few more to add to your list...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#2 of 2 for 10/13)

It's fantastic when you are just going along, having a mediocre day and then all of a sudden, someone just decides to say a few words and as quick as Nestle, your day is infinitely better just because they decided to drop you a word.

Well, today is a great day, especially when I can say that I knew I was right about something because it's not often I can do that either.  Congratulations, I knew you could do it; for some reason, I always believed you might have something to do with the fact that I think you're pretty great at being awesome...but who knows.  Anyway, here's the last piece of artwork for today-

"ninety-nine" (#1 of 2 for 10/13)

Today and tomorrow you get new work from me from "ninety-nine" but Friday and Saturday you get a couple of brand new pieces for Sweetest Day!  More on that later...right now, enjoy this.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#2 of 2 for 10/12)

There are so many things that are contradictory; sometimes I have a difficult time knowing which one is the right one to listen too.  Everything has multiple meanings...there so many thoughts to sort out that sometimes I just don't know if I want to anymore but then, I remember...

I remember what matters; I remember that it's not what I do, it's why I do it.  I remember all the really important things I have learned along the way and I try to further distinguish them from the crap that is just there to throw me off course.  I remember things at their most basic; I recall the simple things that mean the most to me.  I know what everything is 'worth' to me; everything has an established 'worth' that can either have an assigned number to it or can be more precisely, priceless.  I remember that no matter what, I know what I feel - the rest of the world be dammed.  It's not my job to make anyone believe what I believe and it's not my job to persuade anyone to see things the way I see them and it is definitely not my job to feel different about anything based on me guessing how someone else feels.  It is my job to continue to be true to myself and to keep doing anything I want to do that brings me a little happiness and I think it's very selfish for anyone to want me to put my happiness aside foe any reason short of a sincere feeling of dislike.  Sometimes I have all sorts of contradictory things go through my mind...but only for a moment...and only until I remember why I love doing what I do.

Here's the last from "ninety-nine" for today-enjoy.

I miss you and I love you all. (especially...well, you know. +1)

"ninety-nine" (#1 of 2 for 10/12)

Today I'm only going to give you two...I hope you like this first one...

Monday, October 11, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#3 of 3 for 10/11)

I have been writing and rewriting a lot for this book and I am not sure what anyone will expect to read (if anyone even reads it) but it definitely seems like I am missing it; it's not turning out to be what I expected it to be.  At first, I thought I would just 'wing' it and just write what I wanted to but that turned out much like a bunch of senseless thoughts bouncing around with no cohesiveness at all.  Then, the other night I was driving home and I had an idea, a way to write this book that makes sense; a way that gave it a structure and I was very excited about that prospect.  Now, a couple of days later of bouncing between the chapters I have set in place to keep me completely on track, my thoughts are completely in order and the book is coming along nicely until I read it.  It's boring; completely book report from a construction manual boring.  It reads like an auto biography about me that has a brief to do about the artwork and I absolutely hate it.  I am going to rewrite what I have yet again because the focus on this book should not be on me at all.  Even the artwork should be secondary in this book and it's just completely wrong.  I don't care if anyone understands how I started drawing pictures, this is not about me.  I know I need to just let it hit me again and try to write the way I usually do but this book and "ninety-nine" just means so much to me that it's difficult for me to just throw something together and hope it flies...this has to say everything the way I felt it.  I don't know if I can do it but I do know it has to be done, there are deadlines that I can't move and I do work better under pressure.  The first draft has to go in right after Halloween and there's no changing that.  I am shooting for 100 written pages and hopefully I can deliver.

Thanx for reading, I just needed to complain a bit...I know you came here to see some artwork so let's give it to you-have a great night everyone...(and remember, I owe you one lady...3-2=1)

"ninety-nine" (#2 of 3 for 10/11)

Here's the second one from "ninety-nine" for today...

more later-

"ninety-nine" (#1 of 3 for 10/11)

Here's the first of three for today from "ninety-nine" - I hope you like it...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

"ninety-nine" (2 for 10/10/10)

...And for the second you go-

This one is for you too-

"ninety-nine" (1 for 10/10/10)

I have been busy running around all day and I didn't plan of giving you any artwork today but because 2 special little girls out there wanted to see something new...well, I couldn't say no; mostly because they are pretty much the best.

Here you go with the first one-I hope you like it...

Friday, October 08, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#5 of who knows)

Ok, I might have another one in me...or more...

Right now, I'd take two minutes if I could...if it took me 10 hours for two minutes, it would be worth it; to me, that would be a completely fair trade.

"ninety-nine" (#4 of who knows)

Here's the fourth one for today;

Ya know, I might be really sad to see when this series comes to an end and when it does I just want you to know that nothing changes.  The same thing I am today I will be afterwards.  That's important to know.

Here you go-

"ninety-nine" (#3 of who knows)

Here's another one, maybe this will be the last one?  No?  Hmmm, not sure...

"ninety-nine" (#2 of who knows)

So, as some of you know, I am writing a book that coincides with the series "ninety-nine"; it is looking like it consists of 99 pieces of artwork and about a hundred pages written and a cover piece made up of all of the artwork.  Originally, I wanted to do a coffee table book in a digital format to start off with for the first 4 months but it seems that the publishers I have lined up to do it decided that they don't want to refit their layout for digital artwork.  I personally know it will work and even if I have to make an android and iphone app that displays the book the way I want it to, I will.  It just seems that the print version might be out before the digital one...not my first choice.

There is still a little more than a month left for me to sort that out though so I am going to keep working on it, I just thought you would like to have an update-and another piece of artwork...

p.s. really love the hair-

"ninety-nine" (#1 of who knows)

Sometimes my mind runs away from me and I begin to wonder if the only thing I am good at is being day I am sure I'll figure it out but until then, here's more artwork from "ninety-nine"...

Thursday, October 07, 2010

"ninety-nine" (#3 of 3 for 10/7)

There's one more left for today; I have to say that I love giving you artwork but right now I am happy this this it for now...I would really rather be somewhere else, just for a little while but not just anywhere...

Here you go-
Have an awesome night everyone; I miss you all very much...

"ninety-nine" (#2 of 3 for 10/7)

Here we go; here's the second one for today-
"ninety-nine" to me is much more than a bunch of artwork; to me it's much more than all of the artwork I have done all put together.  They may look simple and they may look ordinary but let me assure you, there is much more of my heart in each one of these than anyone has seen since my original "Black/White" drawings.

Give in? Maybe.  Give up? Never.

"ninety-nine" (#1 of 3 for 10/7)

I wasn't going to release any today or yesterday for that matter but it seems I have changed my mind; having already released 2 last night, here's one of three more for today...

"ninety-nine" (one or two tonight, because I can)

Here is the second one tonight; I hope you like it...

"ninety-nine" (one or two tonight, because I can)

I didn't want to put any up yesterday and I didn't want to show any today but...

...Because there's more to this series than some color on a page
and because sometimes it's important for me to be reminded why I do things to begin with
and because somewhere out there, there might be a girl who looks forward to looking at my is the fifty-first, "ninety-nine"

Why Not Smile?  ...I am.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010