Monday, July 05, 2010

"Love" (#12 in the Wild Hearts Collection)

Love is amazing; it makes food taste better and movies more enjoyable; it makes life worth living, brings inspiration to the uninspired and gives everyone lucky enough to find it, a purpose greater than you could ever imagine.

Love is many things to many people; man has written volumes of poetic verse on it and it has driven millions to achieve great things.  I have gone on for hundreds of pages writing about Love in every form and I have attempted to create works of art to depict it's endless uses; I have even tried tirelessly to find my own.  I could not do Love the justice it deserves without all of the stories people have told me about their own triumphs and failures; they give me insight and the reason to keep believing in it as much as I do.

I have often spoke of Love as if it were this very simple and attainable 'thing' that others make out to be a complicated and chaotic mess that usually ends in pain.  It is all of these things to many different people but to those who take the chance; for those who allow themselves to be vulnerable to it's can be the most gratifyingly, amazing experience to to have.

Love to one of those Wild Hearts is a necessity.  You can't live without it and if you happen to be without someone who has Love for you at this moment, you have simply not opened your eyes.  Love is attracted by people who exhibit it.  Love is found by people who express it.  Love is realized by those who do not worry about the adverse effects of it's loss.  Love is forever; it has a beginning but has no end.  Love never goes away but Love always has room for more.  Love is never replaced; only more is created.  Love is entirely, all encompassing without exception.  Love is the greatest adventure and I for one can't wait to have it.

I am not sure if I will ever have the opertunity for Love again but I am glad to have found out what it was like, even if it was only for a short time.  Hold onto Love and do not squander it; if you never listen to anything I ever say again or you never learn anything from me, remember that Love is all you need even if everything in the world has taught you otherwise.  They are wrong; completely wrong.

And here is "Love" from the 'Wild Hearts Collection' in HD - I hope you enjoy it and I hope you take my words and hold them close to your Wild Heart...

I miss you all.  (especially you...)


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