Thursday, July 01, 2010

"Proven" (#9 in the Wild Hearts Collection)

Someone who possesses a Wild Heart has in many ways shown day in and day out why that passion continues to exist through times of joy and times of pain as well.  It is because no matter what they have a strong sense of who they are and what they want out of life, eve if sometimes they can be spontaneous and unpredictable.  It's because they have, on so many occasions, Proven themselves to be the type to rise above the normal drama and the all to common games people play.  When your Wild Heart shows you how life should be, you don't listen to anything except for it.  Don't let your mind sway your emotions; let your emotions guide your life...that's when the adventure begins.  Even if you've been on the roller-coaster before, you still get butterflies when you climb the hill-and if you decide not to ride because of a little fear, you're losing out on an incredible ride.

Here is "Proven" from the 'Wild Heart's Collection' re-release in HD

Thanx, I miss you all...(especially, not you...I hate you...and I hope you hate me too, just a little)


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