Saturday, June 26, 2010

"Save" (#3 in the Wild Hearts Collection)

To me, you can clearly look at the entire 'Wild Hearts Collection' without any of the artwork and it sounds like an advertising campaign, seemingly with no thought in it at all.  The titles, when put together, sound almost cold and distant as if someone just plucked the words right out of the dictionary they belong in.  But then, something wonderful happens (at least I think it does) when you start to see a glimpse of the artwork under the words; they mean so much more together.

For example, let's take today's piece: "Save" - the word itself almost makes me want to go clip out a coupon but then, with that Wild Heart under the no longer seems as if it could be a bargain.  Now "Save" becomes something else entirely; it becomes a last chance at love or the opportunity to salvage what little love may be show the world that it's never too late and to me, that's a huge thing to be able to say something like that with one little word that's seems better suited in a market of some kind.  That's the power of the makes you want to see the love wherever it may be.  So today, please enjoy this piece and "Save" a little love for someone that deserves it.

-I love you and miss you all-


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