Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"Discovery" (#8 in the Wild Hearts Collection)

One of the truly amazing things in the entire world is finding something that you thought could never exist.  The first time you realize something; the first time you lay your eyes on it...your heat wants to fly right out of your chest...that's "Discovery".

Your Wild Heart loves to discover new and exciting things because deep down inside you know it could be just the beginning of something even more incredible.  I for one am always hoping it's more incredible than the last and for you, I hope it's everything you were looking for and more.  I also know that it takes a Wild Heart to continue to search for that next great Discovery - that's one of those things that keep the fire inside burning hot; never let go of that feeling and never try and suppress it, even if it turns out a bit wrong that one time doesn't mean it will be that way all of the time.  Sometimes, a Discovery is simply finding a trinket you lost that's not such a big deal; sometimes it's finding something you lost for a reason and you don't want it back.  But sometimes...only sometimes - it's something wonderfully unexpected.  Whichever way it turns out, it's not all the's the adventure you're on while you find it.

...And now, here is the 7th in the 'Wild Hearts Collection' in HD; "Discovery"

Thank you all so very much...I can't wait to find out what I'll discover next...


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