Thursday, June 24, 2010

"You" (#1 in the Wild Hearts Collection) & Re-Release in HD

Today is a special day; it's Thursday and I had a wonderful day yesterday talking to a wonderful person.  I just figured this release would be perfect for now, seeing as though I am about a week away from finishing off the last five pieces of the 'INCIRCLES Series' and you haven't had anything new to look at in about 2 I think it's time you have gotten something cool.

-and for U, thanx...I can't tell you how great it was to talk to you.

In 2008 I designed a collection of artwork that was very popular; it was done and released at a very low resolution but today -and for the next 12 days, I have something very special for you...

For the first time in Full High Definition you will be able to download the Wild Hearts Collection to your computer for your desktop wallpapers and such.  I took the original 'RAW' files from my servers to bring them up to par so you can see every little detail that I intended to portray.  It took about 160+ hours to complete and in some cases, redraw missing bits so you may be able to enjoy them.

Below is the original release and introduction to explain why these drawings and design elements even exist.  After the original release, you will find the first piece titled "YOU"  -thank you all, I love every one of your Wild Hearts.

“Wild Hearts Collection” (An Introduction)

There may be nothing more powerful in this world than “Wild Hearts” and well, I know plenty of them.  They give me reason enough to believe and continue on, even if I am not so sure that I can continue with that heart on my sleeve always weighing me down…but you tell me “Don’t think so much…” and “Just let things happen as they may…” and so forth; and I trust you-I believe and I continue on.

In the 1970's, Duke University's Psychology Department compiled this data after long-term experiments in Neuro-linguistic programming. These words have been proven to evoke emotion in a listener or reader. The words are, in no particular order deemed “The Twelve Most Powerful Words”:


The theory runs along the lines of weaving as many of the words into your vocabulary as often as possible. Apparently, this was not lost on the major advertising agencies across the world, as we notice all 12 words appearing together in all types of media and advertising.

I think it is only fitting that the words above should serve as titles for my new “Wild Hearts Collection” of designs…except-I have thirteen designs total and there are only twelve most powerful words…where could I ever find a title to the last of my designs?

This is where…

When James Joyce was asked what the most beautiful word in the English language was, he answered that it was "Yes" -perfect.  And that-that will become the final title I need in the collection.

I thank you all for loving me and believing in me and enjoying my designs; I only do them because you inspire me to-
I truly love you all and I hope you will continue to enjoy everything about the life we all live all year long-

-I miss you all so much…especially you-

"You" (#1 in the Wild Hearts Collection)


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