Tuesday, June 08, 2010

"Let Me In The Sound"

Hello everyone, it's been quite a long time since I last had new artwork to show, let alone wrote you anything...but I am going to make up for that today.  This is probably one of the most complicated pieces of artwork I have ever done or even attempted.  Some of the different speakers were from an advertisement I did a while back but I ended up doing most of everything over again anyway because I couldn't find my raw files with the original drawings in it.

Anyway, this is one of four that I have kind of been working on simotainiously...which is why it's been a while since you have heard from me; well, that and for a few weeks I kinda just didn't want to draw anything.  I didn't really want to do this stuff anymore for some reason; at first I thought it was because I needed to find some inspiration but then, a day ago I realized that it wasn't inspiration I was lacking...it was the motivation to do it that I didn't have.  See, I work better when I am happy...that's not to say that right now I am unhappy but when my heart is happy everything in me is fighting to make it's way out first.  (This is when I have way more ideas than I have the time to do them.)  And lately, I have been just...well, nothing.  But when I realized that it was motivation that I needed and not inspiration (because of all of the ideas I had when I started this thing and that whole 'lack of time to do them all') I simply manufactured some.  Now, I could go into how I did that and it would probably clear up a LOT of things you might be wondering but I'm not because we all know what you are really here for-some great artwork and some pie...while I am looking for some pie, here's the artwork; "Let Me In The Sound".

-I love you and miss you all...(especially you)

edit-[btw-none of this was done using any 3D modeling-thank you]

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