Monday, June 28, 2010

"Easy" (#5 in the Wild Hearts Collection)

Often times people ask me about love; as if I'm an expert or something but I'm not.  I haven't had a lot of luck finding someone who wants to stick around for the right reasons but I do feel lucky to have had the love I've gotten from everyone who decided I was worth it...even if it was only for a short time.  I tell people all of the time about how relationships aren't easy and they aren't; you have to work at it.  What is Easy is love.  No matter if it's with someone two feet away or so far it seems like you might never see them again.

I heard someone say something once and it was so perfect...they said; "I don't know why people make such a big deal about going out of their way to make a long distance call, it's not like you had to walk all the way there or anything."

Distance is only an obstacle if you make it one; anything can be an obstacle if you make it one.

It's easy to love...people out there just find it difficult because they are constantly coming up with reasons why they shouldn't or why it won't work.  Well maybe I haven't had much luck in finding someone and maybe I haven't had many chances to show the right person how I really do believe love should be and maybe to the rest of the world I just look like a lost cause for a thousand and one different reasons but this hopeless romantic will continue to be the way he has always been because I know it's not Easy.  I also know that when a little love finally finds me, that will be the easiest thing that ever happens because you shouldn't have to work at love-just everything else.

And now, here is "Easy" from the 'Wild Hearts Collection' in HD.  I hope you enjoy it.

I love you all, thank you.


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