Monday, April 12, 2010

Welcome facebook friends!

Hello all, I promise we will have new artwork from the 'INCIRCLES Series' -the new artwork series for 2010- from me soon but I have decided to get with the times and get a facebook FAN page as well as a 'share' link so everyone could see the new stuff coming out when it's released.  The new links are to the right of the page and if you click them it will bring you right to where all the action is.

The next Artwork I hope to be releasing later this week is "Nicely", "LETMEINTHESOUND" and "inthered" - hopefully you will all like them.

Tomorrow, Tuesday the 13th is my friend Brian's Birthday!  I have been friends with him for 30 years-wow and on Wednesday the 14th is my friend Jinx's Birthday so if you stop by I will have something special this week because of it...some artwork very few people have ever seen before-some of the unfinished stuff.  Happy Birthday Brian and Jinx!

I love you and miss you all-especially you.

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