Monday, April 26, 2010

April 26th 2010

Today must be a pretty special day to have some pretty great Birthday's today.

Instead of me pointing out individuals today let me just say a few words in not so general terms.

Happy Birthday to Maria whom I've known for 30's pretty special when you can say you keep in touch with friends you went to Kindergarten with and I am lucky enough to still be in touch with most of my class.  Thank you for letting me peek into your life from time to time-and thank you for being a great person; I am proud to be your friend.

Happy Birthday to someone I have only had the opportunity to meet a couple of times in my life; you were taken too soon and one of my good friends misses you very much.  I know you're watching over her and your son all of the time.

and lastly;

Happy Birthday to you; I know you won't ever see this but that never mattered to me.  There's something amazing that happens to life when you truly realize what brings you happiness and I for one am very glad you found it.

It only takes one step along that road we all travel for everything to become clear; when we see how things worked out the way they did so that we all could be fortunate enough to be in the places we all are right now.  Every new moment is a blessing and every minute that passes by a lesson; neither is less important than the next or the last.  I have to believe that there are more amazing things in my life that have not yet happened because every day I am reminded of that by being fortunate enough to witness greatness on a constant basis.  You are all on the verge of greatness; I see it and you simply need to have a little faith in it and believe...after all, I do.

Thank you all; I love you and miss you all...especially you.

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