Friday, April 09, 2010


Hi all, I have been a little under the weather lately and I apologize for the lack of new artwork; I have 4 pieces in various stages close to be completed but my head does not like to be upright for too long.  I promise I will have something new for you this weekend but not before I catch up on a couple of other deadlines I have.

And now, because I know you'd like something new to check out, I'll reach into my bag and give you a little something.
This is "Beginnings" from the book 'Somewhere This Side of Forever' which I decided to not let them publish because they just wanted to make too many changes.  Maybe someday I will publish it myself...but until then, here you have the original opening poem.  I think if I decided to publish a book today, it would need a rewrite or two-I hope you enjoy it...


By: Jason Marshall
Originally written: 3/7/00

Somewhere this side of forever
is a place I’d often go
to dream a little dream;
a place where I’d go alone.

It’s filled with all of the aspirations
and pleasant thoughts of the day
so you see, I wasn’t quite shocked
to find that it just wasn’t quite the same.

It didn’t take me long
to figure out what was wrong
with being in my favorite place.

The best way to understand
is to simply explain
how it was this world came to be
and, for the most part, what it is
that this inconceivable place
means to a simply complicated person like me.

You see, this place exists
deep inside your mind
to get there you need only wish
and open your heart up wide.

Somewhere this side of forever you see,
is a place where lollipops grow on trees.
It’s a place where music fills the air
it knows no prejudice to anyone who gains entrance there.

It’s like flying a kite in a vast green field
and running for the pure joy of running
in every way you could possibly feel.

Somewhere this side of forever
the clouds are made of cotton
and the unicorn lives in peace
as there are no boundaries
to this ever content place.

There is plenty of excitement
and many things yet to be explored
like the never-ending mountain tops
that disappear into the endless beyond.

Well, I think you get the idea.
It’s a wonderful place to be
and when I came upon my latest dream
I found that it was rather incomplete.

I searched and searched for a reason,
a reason I could not find.
A reason it wasn’t the place
I knew I’d left behind.

Something was missing.
Something wasn’t right.
So I raced back home
just to see if it was all
only in my mind.

When I reached my final destination
I found out what was to be the truth.
I found out that it really wasn’t as good,
as good as it would be with you.

I know it might sound silly to some
but definitely not to me,
for before I knew not anyone
that made me feel as free.

Just remembering what you’ve said
and how your eyes seemed just so soft
when all of your attention
was focused on my words and my thoughts.

It gave me such a hope
and quite a bit of faith
in so many things
I thought would not happen
for so many years in so many ways.

Somewhere this side of forever I know
is a place that I can no longer go
This day, this time, I do know why.

It’s just not as amazing anymore
It’s very difficult to explain
but so very simple to say.

For but a moment of having you around
is far better than being
this side of forever.

Just the moment, just the split second
of a quickly passing thought
gives me every reason in the world
to continue to believe.

That someday in the not so distant future
I am able to have that kind of happiness
A little closer to home, right here on earth
so I may be able to share it with someone like you.


Thank you all for hanging in there;
I love you all...even you.

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