Thursday, April 01, 2010

"Thyme" (a little poem from jason)

I write all sorts of things, some of them make perfect sense...some of them don't but I am sure to everyone-there is at least a line that gets them to think and I just figure that as long as I can get someone to think about why the line means something-I have done a good thing.

-I love you all;'s Thyme.


By: Jason Marshall

Thyme is a very interesting thing;
Everyone always wants more
When that clock strikes three.

You’re never really ready for Thyme to end
Even though you should spend it living
You’d rather spend it looking instead.

Beginning with memories of Thyme well spent
I remember all of the stories of adventures I’ve had.

Not in a castle with a knight atop his great horse
Not a wizard or a princess or a dragon with a sword
Not a fable over Thyme that swells with misquoted words
Just a simple story about love that stays true to it’s course.

I know Thyme waits for no man; not even for me
And someday for me there will surely be
The clock in the tower just chiming away
My day will come and Thyme will be done
The hands will strike three and I will be gone.
I will love while I can and as much as you want
Love you I shall with every last thought

For my Thyme should be savored and not spent in haste
Remember my Thyme until your dying days
Because in that Thyme that will surely pass
You may forget my smile, my look and my laugh
But remember the stories of the Thyme you did have;
They were the greatest adventures I could have ever had.

I’ve loved every second of every moment with you
I’ve wanted more Thyme than you ever knew
But at least I had the best instead of the rest
I’m lucky to have had a few minutes at all in the end

I know I’ll be watching your precious Thyme
From my perch above with tears in my eyes
I’ll be right beside you as you go through life
Through all those special moments like I’ve had in mine.

I want you to know that I love you the most
You’ve made my Thyme slow and grind to a halt
When I needed you most and had no Thyme at all.

And one day when Thyme tries to take it from me
I pray my last moment are of the Thymes like these.

The Thymes you’ve read all of the things that I wrote
All of the poems, the stories and I wondered what you thought.
All of the drawings for you-and how I thought you didn’t care
But when in the end what mattered was the Thyme you were there.

Love me a little; I’ll love you a lot
For all Thyme; Forever; for Always know you are
The one and only no matter what comes along
My eyes are for you and my Thyme has nearly gone.

Don’t cry there’s always one more moment of Thyme
It’s always right in front of you when you’re looking behind 
And just as it goes there’s another one there
All it takes is for you notice to have the Thyme to care.


This Somewhere This Side of Forever that is…
Thyme everlasting, ever changing, beyond all the years. 
It’s filled with chances at Thyme’s second passes
Where your chance at happiness would have the best chance at happening.

But when you’re there, remember- what ‘there’ really is
It’s not your life, it’s not your Thyme, it’s not what you chose to live

It’s what could be-not what really is, that’s why you’re even allowed to see.
Because if you changed Thyme you would only want it the way that it couldn’t be. 

See, it’s nice to imagine the way things could be
If you used your Thyme more wisely or just differently
But Somewhere This Side of Forever isn’t there to show you your faults
It’s there to show the whole of us what it could ever have cost.

Some of us are afraid of life, and some of us just don’t understand how
And some of us can’t seem to find someone to use the Thyme they have now.
There are even some who think that their Thyme for things has passed
But when you travel to forever, you will clearly see that Thyme is not cast.

Anything can happen and it usually does;
It has a habit of being when there’s no chance at all
You need to embrace it, all of the Thyme that you have
And realize it’s there for you before it’s gone in a flash.

Please don’t ever grow up like me; wasting your Thyme on foolish dreams
Wondering when and wishing how…hoping for a day when you happen upon love.
It’s there; you see it-everyday of your life; realize it and take it and never let it die.
In Thyme you will understand; in Thyme you will know; learn from my life and cherish your Thyme ever more. 

I know that for me, there is Thyme left
And I can try wisely to use the Thyme that I have
But even though all is not lost, Thyme is not a luxury that I posses
And that is why Somewhere This Side of Forever is where I’m at.

I can’t tell you how to use it; it’s your Thyme to waste
Thyme to do whatever may be that is important to you today
And as Thyme passes by and the moments, they go
You only need that Thyme to say those three little words
Once they are said and the world stops cold
My Thyme would be yours and together we’d grow old.

I know everyone has something important to say but no one ever's never too late.  Time has a way of getting away from everyone-don't ever let it get to far but if you ever think it has, just stop and make it right.

Next artwork:  "Dig Out Your Soul"

I love you all...I really do, with all of my heart even if you think I couldn't possibly...I do.

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