Monday, July 19, 2010

"Everlasting Love" Special Edition from the 'Something Bigger Series'

Over the past year I have wanted to do this piece of artwork and I have done maybe 12 different variations, none of them ever finished because I just didn't like any of them.  I just didn't 'feel it' the way I wanted to.  I wanted this to look just as special as I knew it needed to be; just as important as I felt about it.  It wasn't until last week that I knew how I wanted this to be and there was no stopping it once I began.

Yesterday, a dear friend of mine lost her mother to cancer...but it was in my friend's strength throughout the entire ordeal that gave me the inspiration; it's amazing how a few words and a pure heart could move you to create something you loved to do as I did.  My heart cries for her in this time of loss just as I continue to battle with adversity and if I am half as strong a person as she is, I will be just fine.  Her unwavering strength and dedication should be an inspiration to everyone who is going through difficult times and I know first hand that it all has to do with the great love she has for her mother and the love she has for her family and friends.  I am overjoyed to be able to call her my friend as I have known her since I was 5 years old and even through hard times and years without a word, she found it in her heart to continue to be my friend.

Although I did this piece of artwork with the inspiration she gave me, this is not only for her mother but for all of the moms out there that you have lost along the way.  This is a Special Pink Monochrome of the original that will be released in the 'Something Bigger Series' in early August.  This is based on a concept that another young lady who means the world to me wanted me to do way back when I began working on this a year ago for her mother whom she had also lost.  So, for these two special ladies and everyone else out there who has endured heartbreak on a level that is unimaginable to most people, just know that I love you all and this "Everlasting Love" that you have for those wonderful women who were taken much too soon is alive in your very beautiful smiles.

Thank you, I love you all very much.

"Everlasting Love"

Thursday, July 15, 2010

"More Than a Dream"

Here we go; sometimes I just want to do a fun piece of artwork...something that just peeks inside and pulls some of that good feeling I happen to be feeling out.  This may be the most abstract piece in the entire series but it's completely simple...nothing's just a bit of a fun look at a reality; like I said, it's abstract but I think it carries a clear's just more than just a dream.

And now, for the next in the 'INCIRCLES Series' here is "More Than a Dream" - in full HD for you to download-

Next, "Politely" on Sunday-

Thank you all, I miss you and I love you all...(especially, I love you)

"More Than a Dream"

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Special Edition Artwork Preview-

I usually make it a point to not push out artwork for the sake of pushing it out; I love everything to carry a meaning to at least someone out there and even though I am not finished releasing my 'INCIRCLES Series' yet, I have a special Pink Monochrome release for you soon.  I have to wait for final approval on it which is why you won't see it today.  The artwork piece is a Pink Monochrome of a full color piece that you will see in my upcoming series 'Something Bigger' and it's entitled, "Everlasting Love".  I hope I can share it with you soon but I don't want to push anything before I know for sure.

Thank you all for your support-I miss you all.  (especially you...for real)

Thursday, July 08, 2010


There are four more pieces of artwork I have yet to release in this year's first series of all new artwork, 'The INCIRCLES Series' and I have a bit more to accomplish than simply showing you four more drawings.  I hope to accomplish much more; I hope to show you what I have been trying to show you from the beginning...I just want you to know that there are always more than one way to say something.  There is always more than one meaning to the same thing, there will always be another chance to say something that you never intended on saying and there will always be one person that knows the real truth.

I suppose I have four more pictures in this series to show you what I mean; hopefully I have saved the best four to show you.

I miss you and I really would like to see you.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

"Yes" (#13 in the Wild Hearts Collection)

Well, for the final piece of artwork in my 'Wild Hearts Collection' and in my opinion, the one with the greatest meaning of them all.  See, the word Yes is pretty much self explanatory but if someone says it in the correct context, it can bring grown men to their knees and it can make the coldest heart melt.

Yes, I love you.  Yes, I need you.  Yes, I want to be with you.  Yes, you mean the world to me.  Yes, forever just couldn't be long enough with you.  Simply, Yes.

I have made it a point throughout the years to say Yes whenever I had the opertunity and whenever I wasn't stupid enough to let the moment pass me by and I thank the stars for all of the adventures in life and love I have been fortunate enough to have.  Remember; for everyone who wants one of those Wild Hearts for yourself, all you need to do is take the leap and just say, Yes.

And now for the last of the 'Wild Hearts Collection' in HD..."Yes"; I hope you enjoyed them all.

I miss you terribly...yes, you.
-from me.


Monday, July 05, 2010

"Love" (#12 in the Wild Hearts Collection)

Love is amazing; it makes food taste better and movies more enjoyable; it makes life worth living, brings inspiration to the uninspired and gives everyone lucky enough to find it, a purpose greater than you could ever imagine.

Love is many things to many people; man has written volumes of poetic verse on it and it has driven millions to achieve great things.  I have gone on for hundreds of pages writing about Love in every form and I have attempted to create works of art to depict it's endless uses; I have even tried tirelessly to find my own.  I could not do Love the justice it deserves without all of the stories people have told me about their own triumphs and failures; they give me insight and the reason to keep believing in it as much as I do.

I have often spoke of Love as if it were this very simple and attainable 'thing' that others make out to be a complicated and chaotic mess that usually ends in pain.  It is all of these things to many different people but to those who take the chance; for those who allow themselves to be vulnerable to it's can be the most gratifyingly, amazing experience to to have.

Love to one of those Wild Hearts is a necessity.  You can't live without it and if you happen to be without someone who has Love for you at this moment, you have simply not opened your eyes.  Love is attracted by people who exhibit it.  Love is found by people who express it.  Love is realized by those who do not worry about the adverse effects of it's loss.  Love is forever; it has a beginning but has no end.  Love never goes away but Love always has room for more.  Love is never replaced; only more is created.  Love is entirely, all encompassing without exception.  Love is the greatest adventure and I for one can't wait to have it.

I am not sure if I will ever have the opertunity for Love again but I am glad to have found out what it was like, even if it was only for a short time.  Hold onto Love and do not squander it; if you never listen to anything I ever say again or you never learn anything from me, remember that Love is all you need even if everything in the world has taught you otherwise.  They are wrong; completely wrong.

And here is "Love" from the 'Wild Hearts Collection' in HD - I hope you enjoy it and I hope you take my words and hold them close to your Wild Heart...

I miss you all.  (especially you...)


Saturday, July 03, 2010

"Guarentee" (#11 in the Wild Hearts Collection)

"I guarantee that I will never give up and I guarantee that I will always be your friend."  -me

I didn't feel like writing anything's just one of those days I suppose.  Have a happy and safe 4th of July everyone.

Here is "Guarantee" from the 'Wild Hearts Collection' in HD...I hope you enjoy it.



Friday, July 02, 2010

"Health" (#10 in the Wild Hearts Collection)

The only thing I can say is that it IS healthy to love; it's NEVER bad for you to love anything.  Sure, sometimes there are those times when your heart hurts because you (believe) you loved too much but let me say this to make things perfectly can never love too much.  All of those Wild Hearts out there know this all too well.  You can't know what love really is unless you have experienced a little pain from it...otherwise, how could you ever value it the way it was intended?

Health is important to a Wild Heart and to truly be healthy, you need to flex that heart once in a while, even if you know there might end up being some pain involved...a little pain once in a while is a small price to pay to find real love.  Hell, if someone told me I could find the real stuff but I'd end going through excruciating pain, I'd sign up for that in a minute.

So anyway, here is "Health" from the 'Wild Hearts Collection' in HD.

I hope you all enjoy it very much.

I love you and miss you all very much (especially you...yes crazy chick).


Thursday, July 01, 2010

"Proven" (#9 in the Wild Hearts Collection)

Someone who possesses a Wild Heart has in many ways shown day in and day out why that passion continues to exist through times of joy and times of pain as well.  It is because no matter what they have a strong sense of who they are and what they want out of life, eve if sometimes they can be spontaneous and unpredictable.  It's because they have, on so many occasions, Proven themselves to be the type to rise above the normal drama and the all to common games people play.  When your Wild Heart shows you how life should be, you don't listen to anything except for it.  Don't let your mind sway your emotions; let your emotions guide your life...that's when the adventure begins.  Even if you've been on the roller-coaster before, you still get butterflies when you climb the hill-and if you decide not to ride because of a little fear, you're losing out on an incredible ride.

Here is "Proven" from the 'Wild Heart's Collection' re-release in HD

Thanx, I miss you all...(especially, not you...I hate you...and I hope you hate me too, just a little)
