Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"Discovery" (#8 in the Wild Hearts Collection)

One of the truly amazing things in the entire world is finding something that you thought could never exist.  The first time you realize something; the first time you lay your eyes on it...your heat wants to fly right out of your chest...that's "Discovery".

Your Wild Heart loves to discover new and exciting things because deep down inside you know it could be just the beginning of something even more incredible.  I for one am always hoping it's more incredible than the last and for you, I hope it's everything you were looking for and more.  I also know that it takes a Wild Heart to continue to search for that next great Discovery - that's one of those things that keep the fire inside burning hot; never let go of that feeling and never try and suppress it, even if it turns out a bit wrong that one time doesn't mean it will be that way all of the time.  Sometimes, a Discovery is simply finding a trinket you lost that's not such a big deal; sometimes it's finding something you lost for a reason and you don't want it back.  But sometimes...only sometimes - it's something wonderfully unexpected.  Whichever way it turns out, it's not all the's the adventure you're on while you find it.

...And now, here is the 7th in the 'Wild Hearts Collection' in HD; "Discovery"

Thank you all so very much...I can't wait to find out what I'll discover next...


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"Results" (#7 in the Wild Hearts Collection)

Well, blogger is being a pain...
****edit JM****
****I wrote a bunch of stuff on the fly for this one instead of pre-writing it in MSWord like I usually do and blogger lost it all and I got aggravated and didn't want to rewrite it.  I promise to put it up one of theses days soon-just thought I'd explain.****

Here is "Results" from the 'Wild Hearts Collection' HD re-release

I miss you very much...believe it.


Monday, June 28, 2010

"Free" (#6 in the Wild Hearts Collection)

I will leave this one short and sweet...

A Wild Heart has to be free; free to lead it wherever it may.  There aren't many things that can tie it down...and there's no other way I'd rather have it.

So Here is "Free" from the 'Wild Hearts Collection' in HD...hope you enjoy it-

See you tomorrow for the number 7 in the series; I miss you all so much...(especially you)


"Easy" (#5 in the Wild Hearts Collection)

Often times people ask me about love; as if I'm an expert or something but I'm not.  I haven't had a lot of luck finding someone who wants to stick around for the right reasons but I do feel lucky to have had the love I've gotten from everyone who decided I was worth it...even if it was only for a short time.  I tell people all of the time about how relationships aren't easy and they aren't; you have to work at it.  What is Easy is love.  No matter if it's with someone two feet away or so far it seems like you might never see them again.

I heard someone say something once and it was so perfect...they said; "I don't know why people make such a big deal about going out of their way to make a long distance call, it's not like you had to walk all the way there or anything."

Distance is only an obstacle if you make it one; anything can be an obstacle if you make it one.

It's easy to love...people out there just find it difficult because they are constantly coming up with reasons why they shouldn't or why it won't work.  Well maybe I haven't had much luck in finding someone and maybe I haven't had many chances to show the right person how I really do believe love should be and maybe to the rest of the world I just look like a lost cause for a thousand and one different reasons but this hopeless romantic will continue to be the way he has always been because I know it's not Easy.  I also know that when a little love finally finds me, that will be the easiest thing that ever happens because you shouldn't have to work at love-just everything else.

And now, here is "Easy" from the 'Wild Hearts Collection' in HD.  I hope you enjoy it.

I love you all, thank you.


"New" (#4 in the Wild Hearts Collection)

I am releasing 3 different pieces of artwork today since we didn't have a release yesterday so, keep checking back-hope you enjoy them...

There's something amazing about stumbling upon something or someone that you have never encountered before and there's something even more amazing about seeing someone you know you make a connection with for the first time.  When something is New, it seems like you can never get enough.  I know so many of you that have these 'Wild Hearts' out there and you are the ones who have the ability to make everyday an exciting New one.  It truly amazes me to know that even after not being around after so much time passed by, you can pick things up like it was brand new and exciting again.  You know you have something special when you see someone with that love to attack life in that way-when you find someone like that, I would suggest you hold on for dear life and never let go.

And now, from the 2008 'Wild Hearts Collection' - here is the HD version of "New".

I love you and miss you all.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

"Save" (#3 in the Wild Hearts Collection)

To me, you can clearly look at the entire 'Wild Hearts Collection' without any of the artwork and it sounds like an advertising campaign, seemingly with no thought in it at all.  The titles, when put together, sound almost cold and distant as if someone just plucked the words right out of the dictionary they belong in.  But then, something wonderful happens (at least I think it does) when you start to see a glimpse of the artwork under the words; they mean so much more together.

For example, let's take today's piece: "Save" - the word itself almost makes me want to go clip out a coupon but then, with that Wild Heart under the no longer seems as if it could be a bargain.  Now "Save" becomes something else entirely; it becomes a last chance at love or the opportunity to salvage what little love may be show the world that it's never too late and to me, that's a huge thing to be able to say something like that with one little word that's seems better suited in a market of some kind.  That's the power of the makes you want to see the love wherever it may be.  So today, please enjoy this piece and "Save" a little love for someone that deserves it.

-I love you and miss you all-


Friday, June 25, 2010

"Money" (#2 in the Wild Hearts Collection)

...And now for day number 2 of 13 for my re-release of the Wild Hearts Collection in HD.

Although I had done these a couple years ago, they are not only meant to stand on their own but fit in with the entire collection.  I'm definitely not the type of person who is all about money or wealth; in fact, I would probably give up everything I had; all of my possessions to have someone with one of those Wild Hearts I talk about right by my side...   I just hope you like it-there are many more to come-here's "Money" in HD.


"Simple Things"

Sorry, I just couldn't wait so I guess you get some bonus artwork today...

I have always thought about my life and everything I have and it's funny that most of it doesn't mean a thing.  I just keep going back to those simple things; things you couldn't put a price tag on...things you wouldn't find at a garage sale or a high-end boutique.  I have friends and family, I have my ideas and my dreams, I have my stories and possibly most of all, I have moments-moments that I wouldn't give away for anything.  Moments of Love and a hug; moments of silliness and of leadership and once in a while I am lucky enough to have a moment where someone out there thought it would be ok if I met someone that I had no business running into if I had a hundred lifetimes of meeting people.  Those are the simple things; a smile, a look, a laugh, a touch and a few words that make those moments that I will hold onto forever so incredibly important to me.

From the 'INCIRCLES Series' here is "Simple Things"; I hope you enjoy it just as much as I did making it.

I love you all and miss you even more.  Believe it.

"Simple Things"

Thursday, June 24, 2010

"You" (#1 in the Wild Hearts Collection) & Re-Release in HD

Today is a special day; it's Thursday and I had a wonderful day yesterday talking to a wonderful person.  I just figured this release would be perfect for now, seeing as though I am about a week away from finishing off the last five pieces of the 'INCIRCLES Series' and you haven't had anything new to look at in about 2 I think it's time you have gotten something cool.

-and for U, thanx...I can't tell you how great it was to talk to you.

In 2008 I designed a collection of artwork that was very popular; it was done and released at a very low resolution but today -and for the next 12 days, I have something very special for you...

For the first time in Full High Definition you will be able to download the Wild Hearts Collection to your computer for your desktop wallpapers and such.  I took the original 'RAW' files from my servers to bring them up to par so you can see every little detail that I intended to portray.  It took about 160+ hours to complete and in some cases, redraw missing bits so you may be able to enjoy them.

Below is the original release and introduction to explain why these drawings and design elements even exist.  After the original release, you will find the first piece titled "YOU"  -thank you all, I love every one of your Wild Hearts.

“Wild Hearts Collection” (An Introduction)

There may be nothing more powerful in this world than “Wild Hearts” and well, I know plenty of them.  They give me reason enough to believe and continue on, even if I am not so sure that I can continue with that heart on my sleeve always weighing me down…but you tell me “Don’t think so much…” and “Just let things happen as they may…” and so forth; and I trust you-I believe and I continue on.

In the 1970's, Duke University's Psychology Department compiled this data after long-term experiments in Neuro-linguistic programming. These words have been proven to evoke emotion in a listener or reader. The words are, in no particular order deemed “The Twelve Most Powerful Words”:


The theory runs along the lines of weaving as many of the words into your vocabulary as often as possible. Apparently, this was not lost on the major advertising agencies across the world, as we notice all 12 words appearing together in all types of media and advertising.

I think it is only fitting that the words above should serve as titles for my new “Wild Hearts Collection” of designs…except-I have thirteen designs total and there are only twelve most powerful words…where could I ever find a title to the last of my designs?

This is where…

When James Joyce was asked what the most beautiful word in the English language was, he answered that it was "Yes" -perfect.  And that-that will become the final title I need in the collection.

I thank you all for loving me and believing in me and enjoying my designs; I only do them because you inspire me to-
I truly love you all and I hope you will continue to enjoy everything about the life we all live all year long-

-I miss you all so much…especially you-

"You" (#1 in the Wild Hearts Collection)


Tuesday, June 08, 2010

"Falling Slowly"

*****note: not the final version*****

...And for the second time today, I give you another piece of say thanx for being there...

This is titled "Falling Slowly" and while I was doing this I couldn't help to think about those two people...I'd like to think that it happens more than it does.  That when someone notices someone, they just say something and let chance take over but I know the truth; I guess I'm just a dreamer at heart.

Thank you all, I love you and miss you very much.  (especially you)

"Let Me In The Sound"

Hello everyone, it's been quite a long time since I last had new artwork to show, let alone wrote you anything...but I am going to make up for that today.  This is probably one of the most complicated pieces of artwork I have ever done or even attempted.  Some of the different speakers were from an advertisement I did a while back but I ended up doing most of everything over again anyway because I couldn't find my raw files with the original drawings in it.

Anyway, this is one of four that I have kind of been working on simotainiously...which is why it's been a while since you have heard from me; well, that and for a few weeks I kinda just didn't want to draw anything.  I didn't really want to do this stuff anymore for some reason; at first I thought it was because I needed to find some inspiration but then, a day ago I realized that it wasn't inspiration I was was the motivation to do it that I didn't have.  See, I work better when I am happy...that's not to say that right now I am unhappy but when my heart is happy everything in me is fighting to make it's way out first.  (This is when I have way more ideas than I have the time to do them.)  And lately, I have been just...well, nothing.  But when I realized that it was motivation that I needed and not inspiration (because of all of the ideas I had when I started this thing and that whole 'lack of time to do them all') I simply manufactured some.  Now, I could go into how I did that and it would probably clear up a LOT of things you might be wondering but I'm not because we all know what you are really here for-some great artwork and some pie...while I am looking for some pie, here's the artwork; "Let Me In The Sound".

-I love you and miss you all...(especially you)

edit-[btw-none of this was done using any 3D modeling-thank you]