Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Special BLK; Introduction and #'s 2-9

Special BLK intro-

You know, its tuff when people stop believing in you; when they stop having faith in you.  It’s even harder to know that your best just isn’t good enough and I have always tried to do my best even though I have fallen short on many things but I will always continue to try and make things right because I really do believe that I can and will do better.  I have to wake up with ideas; I have to believe that my best is yet to come or else I would have decided a long time ago to give it all up for a normal life.  It’s important that you love what you do…if you loved it once, there’s a good chance you still do but you have simply forgotten why.

Now, as I sit here writing this introduction to a series of artwork that took way too much time to complete and is (I believe) far too complicated to entirely understand, I can take pride in the fact that if nothing else it will show you all that you mean something to me.  See, without all of you I have little reason to do these things-I’d just stick with my corporate design jobs and make money and that would be that but you’re here for one reason or another; you stuck around…so I figure I can too.

I have always said that I would be happy for the rest of my life if all I had to my name was a working pencil and people who loved me; people who cared…and possibly someone to love myself and I really do believe that.  Beyond everything; beyond your positive comments and your much-appreciated critiques of my work, the only thing I really want is a smile.  I hope everyone who looks at anything I have ever done; written words or some crooked lines on a page, I hope it brings you a smile because while I am creating whatever it is that you happen to see…I was smiling.

It is important to me that everyone knows about why I do what I do; to me, it’s not enough to just pump out hundreds of pieces of artwork designed to create some kind of reaction that is not genuine.  I need to know that at least an attempt is made to show you that behind every line I lay down is a reaction to something.  Be it love or pain; one emotion or another drawn from some inspiration I received for one reason or another from someone special.  It’s not what you do in life, it’s why you do it that’s important and that is why I am going to clear something up right now that some or most of you will not understand one bit but that shouldn’t surprise you…I talk in circles anyway.

I have used artwork in the past to convey a message; sometimes heavily diluted and over emphasized but a message nonetheless.  This is no exception.  Beyond the individual messages to everyone on every piece, I need to clarify that there is one very important message to one important person throughout the entire series.  This message is very simple; it is just a message like the others, it states that no matter what happens or how much time has passed or how many miles are between us…I still mean what I have said before, every word of it.  I am terrible at most things and especially with understanding what to do and when to do it; I don’t take hints and I certainly don’t understand when I should zig instead of zag but what I do understand is how I feel and how important it is to me that you know it.  For everyone out there that has no clue what I am saying…don’t worry, I am pretty sure no one does and it’s ok.  I just know that there is a chance that the single greatest person I have ever met in my entire life might just be reading this and you all know that that is no small feat, I have met some great people in this life.  I suppose I just need to say that amazing just doesn’t go away…it doesn’t wear off, I just don’t quite know what to do with it.  It’s kind of like a drug that once you have taken it, you want more and after a while you start thinking that it can’t be good for you; that it will only end painfully. But in the end, after some time passes you might realize that chocolate won’t kill you, it will just make you happy if you had some.

So now that I have completely confused the whole of the world or at least this little piece of it and the last paragraph you read has made you want to run out and buy some heavy blunt object to persuade me to stick to the artwork and forgo the typing when you see me next, let’s get on with the rest.

Believe in whatever it is you believe in and love whomever it is that you love but do it consistently; not just sometimes, all of the time and smile while you do it.  That is the secret to everything.  Everything you see here in this ‘Special BLK Series’ of artwork has come straight from my heart.  I like to think of these (48+1) pieces of artwork as if they were what the songs that played in my head look like when I thought about you.  Sure, it’s abstract and there’s no correct way to truly and completely capture everything about you with a picture; no way to truly do you justice but like I said, this is the best way I know how to.  I do hope you all enjoy them all.

I really do love you all; especially you.

Special BLK

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