Thursday, October 15, 2009

Special BLK: Fractional Addendums (25 pre-releases for the Special BLK Series)

***you are welcome to share this link with anyone you like***
Ok, I am sorry about how late everything is...I have so much New Artwork to post but I am fighting with AOL/Time Warner for the releases...don't worry, today I told then to figure it out by Thursday or I was releasing them anyway and they could keep their money.

Anyway, until then...I have something to calm your appetites...

If you are tagged, you have artwork...keep reading...

See, My Special BLK Series has a total of 49 pieces in it and in order for me to get down to 49 (#'s: 0-48) I had to cut a lot. Unfortunately, I hate to let good ideas go to waste-so, the first artwork cut from the series belonged to many people that I originally had in the 'November BLK Series' - so because there is no agreement with stupid AOL about all of the pieces I have deemed worthy to bring back from the dead...

...I am proud to present the "Special BLK Series: Fractional Addendums" - these encompass some of my favorite artwork and ideas...they were not afterthoughts, they were actually some of the first pieces I created almost 5 months ago.

There are a total of 25 pieces in the 'fractions' set and here they are- (all 25 so far released now in full HD using the link)

Complete List:

Daina Welsh
Shari Croom-Kroll
Chris Watkins
Andrea Miller
Jamie Lynn Nesnidal
John Marshall
Kris Carlisi
Natalie Ledet
Cheryl Cerny
Patrick O'Neil
Emily Carlisi


***some of the people on this list I (unfortunately) cannot contact; please feel free to send them the link.

CLICK THE LINK BELOW to see the artwork and to download it for your desktop and printing pleasures.

Fractional Addendums

You will notice a slight difference in these pieces...I have actually put people's names on me, these 24 'fractions' will be the only ones I do that for...the rest you will have to figure out for yourself.

PS-there is nothing hidden in any of

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