Friday, November 06, 2009

Special BLK; #'s 42-48

Here they are...and only four (4) more to go tomorrow.  Thank you all again, you are all the reason I am as popular an artist as I am.  I have print orders in my Email Inbox for around 60 I am thinking that I might do a limited edition set of lithos or what not.  If enough people want them then I guess it's worth it for me to start the presses.  On picasa I have not had that many hits because I am only releasing them to you first but offsite I have been releasing them slowly (I am up to number 8 presently) and the feedback has been very good. I believe that I have about 5,480 hits (compared to about 200 hits for the entire series here for Facebook only) which is pretty good considering I have only released seven pieces of artwork so far.

Special BLK

Thank you all for making this a success-I love you all.
-especially you.
-from me.

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