Saturday, November 07, 2009

Special BLK; #'s 0, 1, 12 and 40

Here they are; the last four (4) pieces of artwork for the 'Special BLK Series' and I just want to make sure I thanked everyone again for being a part of this.  You know, as I was doing these I was reminded of how important everyone was to me; I mean that this gave me the chance to sit there and really think about what someone might have done to impact my life and you get a real sense of worth from doing that.  I have always used my friends and loved ones as inspiration, I mean after all, why else would I even do anymore artwork...I do them so you might enjoy them-nothing more than that.  I have corporate jobs to keep money coming in but I'd stop doing the 'fun stuff' if I thought you didn't care to see it.  I do everything for love in some way shape or form; I love to draw, I love making people happy, for the people I love, to find love...there are all sorts of reasons but this is at it's most basic.

I just want you all to think the next time you get a chance; take a minute and really think about why you are here and what kind of impact someone made on you.  Really think about it and then tell them thank you; tell them you love them completely and make sure they know because one day you might just wake up alone with no one to thank and you will want to go back and you can't.  I have been there; I know that I have always had all of you whenever I need to but everyone needs someone to love and if you don't tell them while you have the chance to...well, I just don't want you to find yourself alone like me.

Special BLK

These are for all of you-
Thank you again, I love you all...especially you.

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