Sunday, March 28, 2010

"Tripping the Light Fantastic"

I wanted to do something fun and I decided almost immediately what I wanted to do.  See, I have been sitting on about a hundred different ideas for "Tripping the Light Fantastic" and most of them were almost completely done until after some last minute changes, the artwork became something else and the title was changed.  Then, a few days ago...I woke up in the middle of the night, did a few doodles and went back to sleep.  This happens more than you think but this time I kept thinking about how it needed to be-the feeling you had to get when you looked at it, instead of looking at it like it was just some lines thrown on a page to make a design.

This in particular was important to me to finish and it was important for me to release this, specifically today-it's a wonderfully happy, special day today and this artwork needed to be fun-with a hint of "a rave in formal ware" crossed with some classic 'jason' drawn figures.  I wish everything was as fun to do as this was and I hope you enjoy it.

-Thank you; I miss you and love you all more than you could know.


P.S. Thanx for Hating Me a Little.

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