Saturday, March 27, 2010

"Evolution of a Perfect Heart"

I was going to wait until tomorrow to release this one but now is as good a time as any to give you the next release in the new 'INCIRCLES Series'

This, "Evolution of a Perfect Heart" is just a fun little piece with an understated message-again, not my normal stuff but this whole series will be a slight departure of sorts.  It's really not so much as an evolution as it is a definition...but over enough time you will begin to understand how certain 'definitions' and things that use to seem perfect for you have changed; even and especially what you once thought about love.  It is true that love is one of life's only constants; it's something that will never change but all the things you use to love have evolved into slightly different versions of what they use to be.  Hell, for a simple little white and black drawing, it sure seems like it says a whole lot all of a sudden...

Anyway, a special thanx goes out to Jodie for making sure to let me know (over and over again) that I didn't have a clue how to draw a perfect heart...without that, I would have never done this.  Thanx Lady-

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it-

Tomorrow, for the very special person on a very special day...a special NEW piece of artwork called "Tripping the Light Fantastic" -

I love you and miss you all-

PS: I can't wait to see you (Jon and Nikki) it's been years.

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