Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Artwork Preview - first for 2010!

Hi there everyone, there's so much I want to say about everything; politics, religion, health, education, love and war but that will be for a different day-

Today I am giving everyone an early preview of artwork to, this is not the final piece of artwork, it's only a promo piece of a Series that will include 16 new pieces of artwork that I have not even come up with a name for yet-so it's kinda like I may have rushed it a bit because I got a little excited-but it's ok, something has to inspire greatness.

This particular piece is called, "Dig Out Your Soul" and this is not the final version-this is actually an early version that is missing quite a bit-I did seven different treatments for this separately and pushed them together to come up with the finished piece that you will see within the next week-but I hope everyone likes this sneak-peek at things to come.

I love you and miss you all.

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