Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"Hanging by a Moment"

Hello everyone, today is 'Cheap Trick Day' (or April Fools for those of you who don't live in Illinois) and I have no tricks for you today-rather, something completely opposite.  The new artwork I have is not something I can take complete credit for; it's true I drew it, arranged it and made it look the way it does but the idea for the figures came from a wedding invitation set that I had to match-and although it is NOT a perfect copy of the original, it is close enough for me to push some of the credit away-

Congratulations again to Chris and Trish who were married on the 13th of March - without you this wouldn't exist.

Now, "Hanging on a Moment" is a very simple piece but sometimes the meaning gets lost in my more complex stuff and I think this says what it need to right away.  I just wish I had more moments to hang onto...and if you happen to find yourself in one of these moments in the future at some point, hold onto it for as long as you can-time moves quicker than the best of us could possibly predict.

*Next piece - either "Dig Out Your Soul" or "Secrets" as soon as I figure out which one I want to throw you first...

**ALSO-The piece "The Nature of Reality" has been updated; I guess I wasn't paying attention to what I posted earlier and what everyone saw was an early version but the final version is up now, sorry about the oops.

-I love you and miss you all...and who knows, I might actually see some of you soon.


Unknown said...

It means a lot that you created the artwork used in many pieces for our wedding and that you then created this wonderful piece of art. Thank you my friend!

Jason Marshall said...

Love you guys...