Monday, March 29, 2010



So far, we have these pieces done and being finished...but the rest-I don't even know...we will just have to see what happens... (currently, 13 of 16)
x   1.      “The Nature of Reality”
x*  2.      “Evolution of a Perfect Heart”
x~  3.      “Tripping the Light Fantastic”
z    4.      "Politely"
x*   5.      “Dig Out Your Soul”
x    6.      “Let Me In The Sound”
v?   7.       “Wake My Mind”
x*   8.      "More Than A Dream"
x    9.      “inthered”
x#  10.     “Simple Things”
x~  11.     "Secrets"
x    12.     "Hanging by a Moment"
x*   13.     "Shove"
x*   14.     "Why Not Smile?"
x#   15.     "Falling Slowly"
z    16.     "All This Time"
-thank you all...
z=near complete/not released
v=concept artwork only
k=may change
?=may be replaced or cut for a different piece

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