Monday, March 08, 2010


In 2005 I completed a collection of 21 pieces of art to be showcased on my website; five years later and my old website is a thing of the past but that collection of artwork is somehow still a favorite of people.  I will be honest with you; I was in a very 'not nice' mood a couple of days ago (as you might have figured out by the entry prior to this one) -and although I can't say I am in a completely better mood again, two very important things have happened to give me a much needed 'kick' back in the direction I needed to be going.

The first, was a phone call I received from a friend.  The call was about nothing important really but I enjoyed the conversation right up until I was locked out of my house and I had to have someone come and unlock the door.  Second, a friend that lives halfway around the world sent me a message and shared with me something that very few people have seen since it was penned in 2005.

I will not share the specifics of each instance, they both know who they are and I thank them both immensely for their kindness but what I will share with all of you is that collection of artwork from 2005.  forever|colors was a very simple collection I did and I do not believe all 21 were ever released at the same time like this and I know they have never been in HD - I have spent roughly 22 hours redoing them all in High Definition so that you may now download them for free and use them as your computer desktop images or whatever it is you use them for.

I hope you enjoy them - I love you and miss you all...and thank you again to both of you; you both have no idea how much feeling needed or wanted or a kind word or two means to me.


to view and download all 21 - simply click the following link: forever|colors

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