Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A moment of silence.

Today I found out a friend of mine lost her Mother a couple of days ago; she was a great and amazing woman who treated me just like her own child.  I just wanted to take a moment and let everyone know that I was thinking of them in this time of loss.  Even though I wasn't around for a handful of years, I never stopped caring and I loved her very much; just as much as my own Mom.  There really are not enough words in the English language to express my grief and sadness or how much she meant to me and how much of a positive impact she had on my life so instead of trying and failing miserably, I will just ask that you all pray for her family and that during this Christmas season they might find that joy and love that she always had about her.

I love you and miss you Flo.

"Window in the Skies"

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