Sunday, December 19, 2010

"shake it up"

Although I haven't really been in the Christmas mood this year, I have tried to force out some 'good' artwork - and this time, I am using the word 'force' in a different way...

See, I was in the Christmas mood...right around the first snowfall and at that time, I have about three dozen ideas for Christmas Artwork.  I fleshed some of them out, I sketched a few and about 10-16 of them were nearly in some sort of finished condition when suddenly, I just lost it.  That Christmas Spirit seemed to just leave just as quick as it came.  Now, most of you know, this is my favorite time of the year-I live for it all; the snow, the cold, the visits and such but it's gone.  It seems to feel like I have been punched in the stomach and all my air is gone; not because of the normal holiday rush stuff-this is different.  So when I say force, I don't mean that I am trying to push a bunch of artwork out just to push it out-hell, I do this stuff for fun...I don't NEED to do any of it, so I don't ever feel the NEED to put stuff out for the sake of doing it...I give you artwork because I love to, not because I feel I have to and ONLY when I feel like something is good enough.

Hopefully this feeling of miserable, not happy, un-wanted-ness and bullshit finds somewhere else to be soon because I will not let it get to me anymore than I will let certain people keep me in this mood.

Here you go; here's "shake it up" in two different colors because I just liked them both.  I got the idea when I heard "Shake Up Christmas" by Train a couple months ago; hope you like it.


***FOR MORE CHRISTMAS ARTWORK by me-Click Here!***

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