Sunday, December 19, 2010

"Peace On Earth"

Although this doesn't scream Christmas, it's that time of the year when we should be giving just a little bit; letting things slide off just a bit easier.  A little peace on earth has never been a bad thing.  I have always been a fan of other artists depiction of a dove and I thought, "I have never actually done one, so why don't I just do a quick little black line drawing to see how I might do it; it wouldn't hurt to try."  This was the first try; took 50 seconds-maybe and I liked it so much I painted the rest and here you go.

Please, this Christmas season and for the new year, I'd love to know everyone was giving in just a little to make someone happy.  Be a friend when it's easier not to, say hi when you could have just said nothing at all and hug one gets nearly enough of them now-a-days; I know I don't even come close to having enough.

Here is "Peace On Earth" - I hope you like it.

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